(ANSA) – ROME, SEPTEMBER 05 – There are 185 – ANSA finds out – the municipalities that have identified extracurricular places to vote on September 20 and 21 (Referendum, Regional and Municipal).
In recent months, the Interior Ministry had launched a survey to verify the possibility of alternative locations to schools in order not to stop, for the electoral appointment, the lessons that will resume on the 14th after the long stop by Covid. The prefectures collected the funds received from the municipalities and conducted inspections to verify that the buildings were up to standard.
In total, there are 520 electoral sections that, therefore, will be taken out of the classrooms. The Minister of the Interior, Luciana Lamorgese, has set up a working group on the subject, with the aim of organizing for the administrative offices in 2021, when the objective is to considerably increase the extra-curricular places. (HANDLE).