(ANSA) – ROME, SEPTEMBER 05 – Activists from the climate protest movement Extinction Rebellion (XR) in Great Britain have held a protest sit-in, blocking access to the presses that print newspapers of the News Corp publishing group that he runs. to Rupert Murdoch, including the Times and the Sun, but not only, delaying publication.
Police have arrested at least 65 militants from the UK-born movement, which is no stranger to forceful actions in an effort to strengthen lawmakers’ agenda against climate change.
Hertfordshire county police, north of London, were alerted last night by employees of the printing press, in Broxbourne, where a hundred activists with vans blocked the access roads by chaining themselves to any structure. The protesters held banners that read “Release the Truth” and “Refugees are welcome here.”
Extinction Rebellion accuses Murdoch’s newspapers, which include the Times, the Sun and related Sundays and the Scottish Sun, of ignoring the problems of global warming. In addition to the News Corp newspapers, the printers also print the Daily Mail, the Daily Telegraph and its Sunday papers, and the London Evening Standard free press tabloid, all of which are conservative. (HANDLE).