Back to school, De Luca: “Reopening of schools postponed. We are not a serious country, but an equestrian circus”


The president of the Campania Region, Vincenzo De Luca, on the sidelines of an electoral act, took stock of the return to school.

Under current conditions, on Monday we formalized the postponement of the opening of the school year. The government and all political forces should apologize because everyone except me agreed to make the opening of the school year coincide with the regional vote and the referendum. An insane act, Campania is the only one who has said no ”.

Still: “This is not a serious country, but an equestrian circus. The opening of schools, the opening of polling stations and the start of the football championship were concentrated in one week. There are no words for the level of amateurism we have encountered in recent months. “

On Friday, however, he said, during a live broadcast on his official Facebook page:“We were the only region in Italy that asked us to vote at the end of July so that we could concentrate, in September, on the beginning of the school year. As for Covid, the situation in Italy has been equated. We are the region with the highest population density, this makes Campania the most delicate and difficult to manage region: maximum rigor is required and no distractions are allowed. We are currently considering opening schools. However, the current situation does not allow the opening on the 14th. Many municipalities have informed us that they are not prepared. We have assigned a bonus of 3,000 euros for schools with thermal scanners ”.

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Back to class, De Luca: “Never like this time would it have been good to stabilize precarious teachers”
