Demonstration of deniers in Rome: in the streets against the “dictatorship of health”


Raise your hands who wears the mask. No one. Italy’s deniers have chosen to meet at the Bocca della Verità because, they say, they are not recognized in the overall Covid narrative. “We are people” the biggest banner says and everyone, about two thousand as expected, shouts out loud “Freedom”.

Tricolor flag, in piazza No vax, without a mask, drawn by QAnon, the People of the Mothers with their slogans: “Hands off the children” and again “No masks at school, no distances”. Many banners: “Big Pharma out of state, not to multinationals.” On stage is the right winger Giuliano Castellino from Forza Nuova: “There are no fascists here – he objects – here are the peopleThere are families, I am here as the father of three children who lost his job during the confinement. And in facti the health emergency is Trojka’s horse – he says on purpose – not in vain was he called to the WHO Mario monti, experienced more than social carnage than healthcare. “

In conclusion, 35,000 deaths weren’t enough, the victims of the virus in Italy, to withdraw. They believe in another truth: “Those who do not love us say that today there are fascists in the square – says the heretical judge Angelo Giorgianni – but the fascists are the ones who locked us in the house four months ago, the ones who cremated the bodies of our beings dear and then presented us with the bill. We are not virus deniers, We are not landowners, we are against the logic of terror with which the virus was exploited. Scipio’s helmet, Hulk’s friends, many groups are active on Facebook. There is the former M5S Sara Cunial, but there are no orange vests General Pappalardo nor the singer Povia nor the philosopher Diego Fusaro although advertised. No trace of Vittorio Sgarbi, «But in the end it will come», Castellino bet.

After Berlin, Paris and London, Covid deniers also take to the streets in Rome. And the meeting divides the parties: “I shudder at the thought that at this time people say that the virus does not exist. Respect at least the families of the victims, because there are provinces that have lost thousands of their fellow citizens to this crisis ”, condemns the foreign minister. Luigi di maio. The prime minister of the same opinion Giuseppe Conte He adds: “To those who are in Rome today and think that the pandemic does not exist, we respond with numbers, 274 thousand infections and 35 thousand deaths“And the secretary of the Democratic Party Nicola Zingaretti He adds: «The Covid does not refuse, it is fought. I ask all politics to stay away from this madness! ».

But the president of Fratelli d’Italia, Giorgia Meloni, counterattacks: “The deniers of the virus are in the government and they are all those who have not made arrangements in time.” The leader of the League adds to the dose, Matteo Salvini, who at the Sgarbi meeting in the Senate rejected the mask: “Di Maio would do well to tremble at the incapacity of his government.”

September 5, 2020 (change September 5, 2020 | 4:42 PM)

