Luigi Frasca
The school was the main concern for the CTS experts, who met on February 7 at the Ministry of Health. This can be seen in the minutes published yesterday afternoon on the Civil Protection website in its full version, after the first publication at the request of the Einaudi foundation. The meeting was attended by Agostino Miozzo, Giuseppe Ruocco, Alberto Zoli, Francesco Maraglino, Claudio D’Amario, Giuseppe Ippolito, Silvio Brusaferro, Federico Federighi. The CTS valued “positively” the measures taken by the Government and therefore the control of international flights and “the specific attention that is given to the school world due to the peculiarities it presents at an epidemiological level.”
At the time, however, attention was paid to children attending preschool, up to upper secondary schools, and who had come in the previous 14 days from areas of China affected by the epidemic. The Director, “informed of the imminent return”, must in turn contact the Prevention Department of the reference ASL. It would then be activated with the family recommending the adoption “of the permanent voluntary trust at home until the end of the 14-day period, which has already been implemented by some citizens who have returned from those areas.” A measure that, however, had already been requested for a few days but, obviously, underestimated by the government: many exponents, including Minister Gualtieri, promised to avoid a “hunt for Chinese.”
A few weeks pass and in the first days of March the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza asks the Scientific Technical Committee for an opinion on the advisability of closing schools of all levels throughout the country. The CTS responses raise some doubts and perplexities about this choice. This is what emerges from the March 4 report of the Scientific Technical Committee for the coronavirus emergency. Then the schools were closed on March 5. In the minutes of March 4, the CTS lists these perplexities in some points. “The closure options must be proportional to the spread of the viral infection – write the technicians – The epidemiological situation of the country is, to date, differentiated with Regions and Provinces that have a high number of cases (Emilia Romagna, Lombardia, Veneto , Savona and Pesaro Urbino) and others in which the number of subjects infected by Sars-Cov-2 is more limited and mainly attributable to known outbreaks. “In addition, the experts note in the minutes that” the epidemiological situation may undergo rapid changes “and” currently there are no data that irrefutably address the usefulness of closing schools regardless of the local epidemiological situation. “Some predictive models …