
There are those who would like mandatory periodic tampons for teachers and students and those who complain that masks are also used in class. Who has not yet sent their children to school to monitor the contagion situation and who is venting with the irresponsibility of certain families. Certainly the first case of an infected student in American high school Marymount This caused the isolation of 62 students, alarming (if not already enough) the parents of the north of Rome. For hours, Mommy talks have been in a state of excitement. Not even 3 days after classes started (the institute reopened on September 2) was the first emergency already there. “And we are only at the beginning.” An email sent yesterday morning at 6:50 am by the school reported that a high school student had tested positive and that all necessary precautions would be taken. What, moreover, the Marymount had already done, at the headquarters in via di Villa Lauchli. According to the families, the organization started to prevent the emergency. COVID-19 and the safe reopening “was exemplary”: recommended serological tests for all students, external classrooms, separate paths for students, mandatory masks even in the classroom. However, it was not enough.
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The school had asked all students to certify their negativity for themselves. Which is why the boy’s parents had their son swabbed last week. But the result was late in coming, so on Monday they did another test, which came back negative. Therefore, on Wednesday and Thursday, the 17-year-old went to school completely asymptomatic, except for Thursday night to receive the result of the first swab. Surprise: the result was positive. The young man went to school before receiving the results of all the tests. “Which put the entire school community at risk,” snaps a mother. “All security measures can be taken in this world but if the problem is the irresponsibility of certain families, it is a losing battle. In this way we will continuously have infected children and classes in isolation ».
And the problem mainly concerns young people from high school who have a social life and attend nightlife. So much so that some families had asked the school for the possibility of not opening the baccalaureate because they knew people who had returned from Sardinia who had been in contact with positives and someone could stay with their children at home until September 14.
«On Monday, however, lessons will resume regularly – the school announced – and only the 9 classmates of the positive student will remain on “health surveillance” until September 17.».
It is with gratitude to the entire community for their support at this time of a first COVID positivity at school that we let you know that after our conversation with ASL, our seniors, with the exception of those who could have been more contacts close, they can return. to school on Monday and resume classes in presence. The ASL praised the optimal situation management and assessed risk, even for students in closest contact, as ‘molto basso’ (very low). We are happy to tell you that they have recommended that you return to the site on Monday. The nine students identified as possible closest contacts will be in health care for the next 14 days. Sharing the responsibility to protect ourselves against contagion, we cannot stress enough the importance of strictly following implemented social distancing, wearing masks and hand sanitizing. The education of students in this regard should be strengthened within the Marymount community as a whole, outside of the school grounds. #mayormountrome
But the case of Marymount Open the debate on how to face this school year that has just begun. From the wearing of masks to the dining rooms: there is a great concern among families.
International schools in Rome that have already reopened strongly recommended that families perform serological tests before returning to class and then request to complete a self-certification declaring negativity. There are many parents who demand that the mandatory periodic swabs be carried out every 15 days to students and teachers: “In this way the situation would be constantly monitored without risk of new outbreaks.”
There is a lot of debate about the use of masks. The CTS had stated that when students are in the classroom, and therefore one meter from their classmates, they can remove it and therefore cannot use it for the duration of the lessons. But many schools, on the other hand, prefer that students use it all the time. Something that is not always frowned upon by parents: «My son came home with a headache and red eyes – says a father – he told me that he was suffocating with the mask on all day. For young children, this is a huge drawback. In class, with the distance, they could even lower it ». But there are those who are not of the same idea: “Although the students are far away, there are always many in a confined space, a sneeze is enough to catch it: better to carry it even in the classroom.”
And then there are even those who are considering the hypothesis that their children will not return to school until the waters have calmed down by hiring a private teacher. Which obviously concerns kindergarten children who could stay at home with a home teacher or in small groups of children. Not to mention what would happen every time a child accuses a cold: the school would send him home with the difficulty that working parents can help him. Homeschooling would avoid the risk of contagion. Certainly, the Coronavirus still scares families a lot.
Last updated: 13:07