
Declassified reports on the coronavirus put the government in serious trouble and Giuseppe Conte. The “Anti-Covid Plan”, kept secret until the end, actually started very late. Talking about how to deal with the emergency begins on February 10 at a meeting of the Scientific Technical Committee, exactly one week after the discovery of the positivity of the two Chinese tourists in Rome. It was a short time before alarmed news spread about what is really happening. Stefano merler from the Bruno Kessler Foundation of Trento is convinced that Covid-19 can reach Italy and do a lot of damage.
But time is ticking, the CTS and the Ministry of Health are still on the high seas verifying how many intensive care beds are active. Nine days later, on February 21, the cold shower arrives: the CTS “takes note of the Lombardy report of sporadic cases in the process of confirmation.” IT IS not even the shadow of the plan. This, according to the minutes, is back in fashion only on February 24, in the midst of the emergency. A pity, however, that it has not yet been “completed”. The commission continues wanting to debate “the part relative to the preparation of resuscitations” and the subject is put under “to opinion of experts of the sector”. Just on March 2, when infections are already 1,835 and deaths 52, the CTS agrees to adopt it in the official version. Adopt it keeping it well hidden, “to prevent the numbers from reaching the press.”

But something still does not add up, since the minutes of March 9 show that the experts of the commission consider it appropriate to put in writing, “for the purpose of informing the population,” that “the CTS, in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and the ISS, has been equipped with a ‘Health Plan in response to a possible Covid-19 pandemic emergency for some time’ and that all its suggested and adopted actions to date are consistent with the different stages of development envisaged by the plan ” . final approval only came amid the health crisis. A really curious fact.