“Sorry”. Veronica Lario’s message to Silvio Berlusconi


VINCENZO PINTO via Getty Images

“I am in pain and also a little worried, but the clinical scenario now seems quite comforting and my children have reassured me, they tell me to be calm.” Thus Verónica Lario, in an interview with Repubblica, about the hospitalization of her ex-husband Silvio Berlusconi, to whom she sent a message of closeness and encouragement through the secretariat of the leader of Forza Italia.

Verónica’s concern “extends to her children, the suspicion that Berlusconi may have been infected by Barbara or Luigi injures her. He does not accept the attribution of a fault, the identification of a ‘greaser’, but explains that his is a general thought that applies to everyone ”.

“I do not like hunting the culprit,” he adds, “it runs the risk of overshadowing the good we have done, the extraordinary commitment of doctors and nurses, the therapies that are being tested and the problems of these days: the resumption of school in security, the return to normal life of our children who cannot be retained ”.

