the neighborhoods with the highest increases in cases in summer


Ostia, Torre Angela, Tuscolano, Centocelle, Trieste and Val Melaina. These are the six districts of Rome, according to data published by the Lazio Region, in which more cases of coronavirus have been registered. Six different areas of the capital where there are more than 100 infections. Figures on the rise compared to those of July also because, as Pisana highlighted several times at the end of the daily anti-Covid-19 work teams, the number of swabs performed has increased significantly.

Comparing the data on infections in the city disseminated by Salute Lazio and updated to last August 31 (in which there were 4,919 infections in Rome since the beginning of the epidemic), it appears that Ostia (almost two new infections registered per day) It is the area that has had the highest increase since July 27, the date of the last infection mapping in Rome.

Compared to the previous report, there is an increase in cases (almost doubled in 30 days) in the districts of Medaglie d’Oro (Balduina) and Montespaccato. The quadrant of the city that includes Salario, Trieste, Nomentano and Parioli should also be kept under observation: in this area there were an average of 26 new infections in one month. Let’s analyze the map of Rome in detail.

Ostia, the district where there was a greater increase

It is precisely the coastal neighborhood of Rome, perhaps due to the presence of a greater influx during this period of the year, that there has been a greater increase in infections. In just one month, in Ostia, 57 new cases of Covid-19 have been recorded causing the Lido to jump, so to speak, in the first place among the districts of Rome with the most positive. In fact, if at the end of July the data showed only 74 cases, according to the report issued by Salute Lazio updated to August 31, there are 131 infections.

It should also be remembered that in the last ten days of August Ostia experienced several critical problems: first the 8 positive boys who returned from Malta and then the consequent temporary closure of two bathing establishments (reopened after the sanitation). Elements that led to the decision to cancel the famous Tellina Festival in Borghetto dei Pescatori for this year.

The other districts of Rome with more than 100 cases and the districts with the most infections in August

After Ostia, as they say in the district with the most positives in Rome, is Torre Angela: here the account, also updated to August 31, shows 125 cases (+25 in a month). Following the Tuscolano that in a month has gone from 89 to 123 infections. Then there are Centocelle with 119 cases (+21), Trieste 108 (+31) and Valmelaina 102 (+9 and jersey from the neighborhood where the virus infection has slowed down).

It is also necessary to report other areas that, in this anomalous ranking, have entered the “ranking” of Covid-19 infections in the capital: Montespaccato, 90 cases and + 46 in a month, and Gold Medals (Balduina), 84 cases and +40 in the same time frame are neighborhoods to monitor. There were also significant increases in the historic center (+31) and salary (+27) areas.

Where the contagion stops

Looking at the data, there is a slowdown in growth in several areas. We are talking about more or less central districts of the city, which have registered minimal increases compared to the general average of the last month. Positive are the cases of Tiburtino (+11 infections), Torpignattara (+11), Villa Gordiani (+11), Buen Pastor (+12), Esquilino (+16) and Centocelle (+17).

The average number of daily infections in August.

According to the data collected by the daily bulletins of the local health authorities and the hospitals of the capital in the two months after the closure, in August, the average number of new daily infections also increased thanks to the increase in tampons. In the 31 days of the eighth month of the year, there were 1,549 new cases of coronavirus in Rome for an average of 49.96 infections per day. The month, however, should be divided into two sections: before and after Ferragosto.

In the first 15 days of the month, 196 cases were registered for an average of 13.06 infections per day (on average in June and July); In the remaining sixteen days of August 1257 new infections during a month of 78.56 per day. In July, for comparison, there were an average of 16.4 new positives per day.

The elements taken into consideration

If in the first months after the closure the problems were cases of return (especially Bangladesh and Eastern European countries), outbreaks in nursing homes and religious structures, in August the focus shifted to summer nightlife and Returning from vacation consider both people returning from Spain, Malta, Croatia, Greece but also Sardinia at risk with a great effort in tracking the new positives (more asymptomatic) in the port of Civitavecchia and in the airports of Fiumicino and Ciampino .

From the island of Sardinia, many young people tested positive after participating in the nightlife nights. The case of infected children after attending a party in Porto Rotondo that triggered a series of carpet smears in the north of Rome is eloquent.

A delicate situation according to the Councilor for Health Alessio D’Amato, who between August 19 and 20 had not fought to classify the situation as a possible “viral bomb.” The fact is that at the end of the month the Region ran to take cover, at least as far as monitoring is concerned, by installing a drive-in movie theater in the port of Civitavecchia to immediately detain those who disembark from Sardinia.

The contagion map released by Salute Lazio, as described on the official website of the Region describes “the cumulative incidence and daily prevalence of Covid-19 cases reported to Seresmi that represent estimates in increasing values ​​according to color grading“Basically, they allow us to identify whether in a geographic area there are more or fewer cases in relation to the number of residents.

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The number of infections in Rome in July.

The number of infections in Rome in August.

The increase in cases in a month.

Ostia 131 57
Angela Tower 125 25
Tuscolano 123 3. 4
Hundred cells 119 25
Trieste 108 31
Val Melaina 102 9
Garbatella 94 17
Don bosco 94 25
Montespaccato 90 46
Primavalle 88 25
Hills of Portuensi 86 twenty
Old Town 85 31
Gold medals 84 40
Gianicolense 82 25
Esquiline 81 sixteen
Aurelio 78 26
Nomentane 78 twenty
Torpignattara 72 eleven
Villa Gordiani 72 12
Partioli 71 27
Salary 71 27
Tomb of Nero Sixty-five twenty
Borghesiana 64 14
Tormarance 61 17
Tiburtino 60 eleven
Good Shepherd 57 12