Like an eternal return to history. Like the plague of Don Ferrante. Here we go again: here they are again. This afternoon’s denial meeting in Rome marks the last and final break with the climate of fearful and painful pacification in March and April, born at the height of the Covid-19 massacre. The tear has already become evident elsewhere: in Berlin thousands of deniers have raised the Reich flag of 1871 against the evidence of the virus, the imperial flag, the retrotopia against dystopian reality, Bauman would say. For us this is perhaps, since the beginning of the pandemic, the first real challenge of conspiratorial emotion to scientific rationality. Due to a joke of the bureaucracy (the organizers asked for piazza del Popolo) this meeting of lies is being held in the Bocca della Verità (the masks will kill us, they say, making us breathe “too much carbon dioxide”).
It would be tempting to dismiss the event as a replica of the more modest Moto di Piazza in June, at the Circus Maximus: a cocktail of fascists and thugs from the curve, now made up of some lunatic from the political-media theater and some unscripted psychiatrists. But that would be a big mistake. Although the most cumbersome brand is that of Forza Nuova and characters like Giuliano Castellino (fresh from the condemnation for an attack on Espresso journalists and persuaded that the pandemic “was planned to Chineseize the world”), this time the announced mix is much more varied. Taxi drivers, hoteliers, cyclists, “heretics” through Facebook, even a “Village of mothers” concerned with rescuing children from the “health dictatorship” and blessed by Archbishop Viganò, the anti-Bergoglio convinced that the pandemic exists, yes, but it is the punishment of a vengeful God against the divorced and sodomites. In the square we find something much more widespread and ingrained than a certain nostalgia. A deep rebellion against the rules is raising its head, lulling you to the popular idea that there is nothing more to fear (just as perhaps Italy’s most popular man, Silvio Berlusconi, is fighting the virus in hospital): it comes from the fatigue of new limits, of the fear of the future, of the lowered blinds.
It’s a push against hated rationality old regime who seems to have Covid restored. The slogan on “dictatorship of health” also crosses the Italian right that (opportunely) will not be in the streets but also feeds on this humus: is a hidden motto, used in the electoral campaign and even in Parliament, where No Mask feels Matteo Salvini as the guiding spirit. Powerful is the reverse of the spring: we wrote then that the health emergency perhaps annulled “the long period of incompetence” (better to be attended by a doctor than by a plumber). Actually, he had just put it behind the blackboard.. Again, “freedom” passes through the disavowal of scientific knowledge. It is in the vulgar of fraud, in the Covid-19 built by the plutocrats; in the more than 35 thousand victims that it was enough for him not to intubate, of course, damn science!
Yes. There have been government and serious errors: especially the ballet ofminutes of the Scientific Technical Committee. But here they are systematized by conspiracy, nothing is accidental. The populist cosmogony, which has rediscovered the one-worth-one mantra, disintermediation as freedom (crowding into a disco or staying on the train without a mask in front of the teachers), finally hides a political paradox. This wind of excitement on social media could well inflate the sails of those who first pointed their fingers at chemtrails, doubted the moon landing, argued that a couple of right-clicks on the Web are worth a title. But now the grillini are powerful, almost chaste. In the meeting there will be, yes, but in a cryptic way, ex, tough and staunch guys. The grillino no longer fighting par excellence, Di Maio, “shudders” instead when he thinks that certain deniers “could be in the government of this nation.” Divorcing the little bit of Salvini that had remained in his heart and, ultimately, even a little bit of himself. Because growing is this: losing something. Sometimes even at the polls.
September 4, 2020 (change September 4, 2020 | 23:28)