It is the waiting – before but especially after the tampon, with the after reaching and exceeding seven days thus assuming the contours of anxiety, psychological wear and tear or harmful to work and social relationships – the Achilles heel remained uncovered in the sudden increase in the number of daily tests carried out and processed in Campania. Yesterday there were more than six thousand withdrawals, almost tripled since the beginning of August, made by 7 Asl and the Coralab-net network. The latter is divided into a dozen public laboratories, authorized by the Higher Institute of Health, located in all areas of competence of each health company. A network of structures in which biologists and laboratory technicians operate 24 hours a day under the direction of the reference laboratory located in Cotugno-Monaldi and with the logistical and organizational support provided by the South Zooprophylactic Institute. Here the work, although limited by the forces in the field and by the lack of a sufficient contingent of biologists and operational technical personnel, presses at an incessant rate and yet in many cases reaches the expected levels of efficiency but it is throughout the supply chain that leads the smear results to the different districts, and from here to the different offices, to the ASL prevention departments and then to the epidemiology services and finally to family doctors, that time is dispersed or better concentrated in a deadly funnel that produces irritation and frustration on the part of those who wait. The report with a detected or undetected written report referring to the infamous Sars-Cov- is increasingly entrusted to the DIY from phone calls to ASL, to the district queue, to the protest vibrated by wire to the number found free or to vent to your doctor.
READ ALSO Coronavirus in Campania. Tamponi, De Luca opens to private laboratories: “But only for companies”
“I understand everything, the workloads, the thousands of swabs to be processed, the exponential growth in the number of tests performed every day – says Nicola, a professional resident in Pozzuoli – but the wait for the test result is in the territory of ‘avoidable. I am not an expert but I can inform myself and I believe that I have the right to know in real time what was the result of my swab. And instead my GP told me that only the tests reserved by him are accessible, the district invited me to be patient given the other number of procedures in progress and the person in charge at the time of collection from the hospital even told me that if the swab had been negative they would not have notified me of anything and that after 24-48 hours waiting I could consider myself free from home isolation. Now I have discovered (belatedly) that I am positive and for a few days I have been spreading the virus in spite of myself. I took it upon myself to warn everyone I know I knew, before ASL did in turn. People in turn blocked at home waiting for the swab (in this case with good reason since it is necessary to exceed the window period ed) but also for its outcome ”. “We understand that the workload is enormous – explains María, a young student living in Barra, contact of a positive returned from a trip – but we believe that it is possible to configure a web page to which each user with a password can connect to obtain real-time data as soon as the lab has completed the test. ‘ It is not that simple really: “The steps are codified by rules and laws – they respond from the offices of the ASL Napoli 3 and the procedures are very different when it comes to a detection swab, when instead it is a positive contact and there is it is privacy that requires compliance with very strict and complex procedures. Data cannot be easily opened. “
A sword of Damocles – that of the possibility of a positive test result – that ends up hanging and weighing on the heads of entire families and groups of more or less enlarged contacts of a positive: “We have become the terminals of all the protests of the sick – warns a family doctor from Naples, study in Soccavo – for twenty years we have been using platforms to transmit the flow of data to the Region and the Ministry and we are equipped and ready to use the tools provided. The buffer reserve works quite well but when it comes to getting the result we go crazy chasing the result. “At this point, the situation has become very critical regarding the communication of the results of the swabs – he concludes Saverio Annunziata, study in via Vittoria Colonna in Naples, national executive of Sumai – we, family doctors, receive more and more patients angry because they are told that we must communicate the results, when instead they are not uploaded to the Sic platform until after weeks. “
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