Is this the moral law and the idea of meritocracy that the secretary of the Democratic Party agitates?
Franco Bechis
There has been a deafening silence since we made the report of the Guardia di Finanza known to the Court of Accounts on the regional contributions illegally received by the current Minister of Health, Alessio D’Amato, who used them for his own electoral campaign instead of for the onlus pro Amazonia for which they were intended. It is the silence of the President of the Region, Nicola Zingaretti. More guilty silence, because while D’Amato can still defend himself deep down and explain why those funds were diverted from a charity to a policy, the President of the Region, who must protect the money paid by Italian taxpayers, has the duty to explain. the rubber wall and the chain of lies told and written by his main collaborators that in this way have obstructed the path of justice. Not to “Il Tempo”, but to the contributing citizens of Lazio Zingaretti owes the answer to some questions that arise from reading the report of the Guardia di Finanza on the alleged damage to the income of 275 thousand euros caused by his health councilor .
The first question is: did you have your chief of staff at the time, dr. Maurizio Venafro, and then the general secretary of the Lazio Region, dr. Andrea Tardiola, from the request of the Court of Auditors since April 2014 to proceed with the recovery of those 275 thousand euros, a sum “unduly received” by D’Amato along with his three collaborators? And if, as I imagine, you had at least been informally advised of that request, what provisions did you give to return to the regional coffers what was so suddenly released? And if he gave those instructions, how is it possible that in six years not a penny has been recovered?
I ask Zingaretti if he is aware that the case file has been lost and that not even the new attorney general of the Lazio Region has received the necessary update. Did you know that the Finance report affirms that the Lazio Region through its Secretary General has affirmed the falsehood to the unjust protection of D’Amato? In fact, Fiamme Gialle writes that “contrary to what Dr. Tardiola Fiscalía Contable says, since 04/14/2014 with official letter no. 6386 asked the Regional Body to know what recovery initiatives had been undertaken to clarify the matter and proceed with the protection charges against the treasury. And again, the accusation: “The Lazio Region has not adopted any recovery measure for the damage suffered against D’Amato Alessio and the other three subjects responsible for the tax damage …”. Finally, Fiamme Gialle’s considerations also on the behavior of the current Lazio health counselor: “despite the fact that D’Amato Alessio has held and continues to hold positions of considerable importance within the Regional Organization (…) he did not decide to continue at the reimbursement of damages caused to the Lazio Region. Extremely serious circumstance taking into account the mere declaration of prescription of the crimes and the existence of a civil part of the Lazio Region. “
For six years, therefore, Zingaretti’s closest collaborators not only did not lift a finger when they were asked to recover that money as was their duty, but even awarded those who had taken them in this illicit way before appointing him in charge. of the cabin. directed by the regional health service and then councilor. So is this the moral law that agitates the secretary of the Democratic Party? If you take the money out of the public coffers, you can rest easy because those who have to be so vigilant turn their heads the other way, then pat you on the shoulder and congratulate you on making a career out of you. Is this Zingaretti’s idea of meritocracy? We asked in a low voice, but the Prime Minister, Giuseppe Conte, would do well to ask more decisively. Because if that Finance report were ever to reach the European Commission, there would be tangible proof of the care the majority party leader has with public funds. And I am afraid that with this background the disbursement of the Recovery Fund will begin to shake …