Marina Berlusconi: “Does De Benedetti define my father as a cheater? He is a man of disarmament ”- La Stampa


It is Marina Berlusconi who defends Father Silvio from the last thrust of his most staunch enemy. For days she has been concerned about the Knight’s health and cannot accept such a low blow at such a delicate time in her life. Not even Carlo De Benedetti, although the tug of war between the two businessmen has been going on for more than thirty years, since the war for the conquest of Mondadori in Segrate.

It is the engineer De Benedetti who speaks at night, during the Television Festival in Dogliani, in the province of Cuneo. Wishing the former prime minister a speedy recovery, he recalls: “We have been adversaries and I have a decidedly negative opinion of the effects that Berlusconi has had on the country. The level of civility and morality has lowered. He was a great swindler, he was the Alberto Sordi of Italian politics ». Then he adds to the dose: “But I punished him severely, he paid Cir 562 million and it was the greatest pleasure I had in my life, from someone who did everything possible to get in my way. For him, however, it must have been the greatest pain. “

Faced with the unflattering judgment of De Benedetti, the harsh response from the center-right does not take long, between the senator of Forza Italia, Maurizio Gasparri, who describes him as a “scoundrel” and the president of FI in the Senate, Anna Maria Bernini , which emphasizes: “The virus of envy, obviously, is stronger than decency.”

But there is also Cav’s daughter, Marina, to speak, who responds: “The words of a man in disarmament from all points of view, from business experiences to family relationships, can only awaken a feeling of commiseration.” The reference is to the confrontation that took place last fall between the engineer and his sons for control of the Republic.
