Back to school, the question of chicken coop classes. What kindergartens and primary schools can do


Back to school, the health emergency requires rethinking class formation. Many criticize the decisions of the Usr. They couldn’t do otherwise. For elementary school, however, there is a solution.

Back at school, the chicken coop classes are still present.

Back to school, the new school year will be special. Perhaps unique. Covid-19 has forced the global system to turn around, forcing it to identify solutions that cannot guarantee the achievement of goals. History does not help, it does not make available decisions that have already been tested.
The school is a subsystem of this world and, therefore, it is also obliged to face the health emergency.
One of the critical elements for a safe reopening of schools is the presence of classes in chicken coops. Organizational solution desired by the Gelmini-Tremonti duo (Law 133/2008 and Ministerial Decree 81/09) with the favorable vote of the Northern League for issues of containment of public spending. The provision must be inserted in a broader context that saw the rationalization of the school network eleven years ago (suppression of undersized schools and complexes), the elimination of co-presences and the primary reform law (Law 148/80) and more. Result: the school system has suffered a withdrawal of 8 billion euros.
Now, this is the framework in which the Usr were forced to move in the months prior to June, assigning teachers according to the rules established by law (They could not do otherwise. They are administrative offices. Only the Parliament of the Republic can change a Therefore, there is no legal basis for the accusation against the Usr by some unions of not guaranteeing safety in schools.

Recent regulatory changes

This until June. Now the frame of reference has changed, thanks to the Relaunch Decree turned into law 77/20, which establishes: “In order to allow the start and execution of the 2020/2021 school year in compliance with the containment measures of the epidemiological emergency due to COVID-19 … measures are adopted, also without prejudice to the current provisions, to authorize those responsible of the offices. regional schools, within the limits of the resources mentioned in paragraph 2, to:
a) Repeal, only in the cases necessary to comply with the measures referred to in the paragraph where it is not possible to proceed otherwise, the minimum and maximum number of students per class provided, for each level and educational level, of the regulations referred to in the decree of the President of the Republic March 20, 2009, n. 81 ″.
Hence the possibility of having additional temporary staff, who can be fired, but in the event of a new closure. An opportunity that resulted in an order from Minister Azzolina (August 2020) to hire 50,000 ATA teachers and staff. Minister Azzolina declared: “Thanks to this increase in staff, we will finally be able to begin to overcome those rules, born in a time of fierce cuts to the school, which led to the overcrowding of classes.».

Good news for kindergarten and elementary school

For 2/3 of inclusive institutions, this change in scenario is not permanent, because it is linked to the health emergency, it is good news. I mean kindergarten and elementary school, recipients of this additional staff, defined by someone with an unhappy expression. Covid staff.
In the presence of additional or reconfigurable spaces and / or classrooms with dividers and a document (RSSP) that certifies a maximum overcrowding for each classroom less than the number of students per section or class, it is possible to form small groups. This reorganization is feasible only because it has been established Covid staff, which would favor the establishment of new teams.
In conclusion, these days before the opening of schools represent an opportunity to review the organization of classes and the often crowded sections. Homework is left to the schools, many of which are already doing it. Expulsion from chicken coop classes from the school system must begin with the decisions of individual schools. So what better time than now to start this operation?
