In ten days, to avoid sensational doubts on the part of the government, we will return to the banks of school. There are many doubts and fears about the restart since, according to many principals, teachers, students and parents, Minister Lucía Azzolina could not give clear guidelines to allow face-to-face teaching with all the security conditions of the case. Now the Technical-Scientific Committee has retained the hypothesis of using i test Quick, which detect the presence of Coronavirus through viral proteins (antigen) without the need to go to the laboratory.
The Minister of Health Roberto Speranza and the owner of the Viale Trastevere dicastery, to prevent the formation of infections and outbreaks in schools, would be in favor of the possibility of reaching one put on screen of faculty, staff and students much faster. However, the experts expressed their opposite position. Specifically, Sergio Iavicoli states that “swab remains the gold standard for the evaluation and treatment of symptomatic and suspected cases of coronavirus infection“.”Rapid tests are not a ‘alternative”Stated the director of the Inail department of medicine, epidemiology and occupational and environmental hygiene inHuffington Post.
Swab and quarantine
The executive’s plan would be to resort to rapid tests to avoid paralyze a whole class; the traditional swab would be used only if a positive rapid test was found. But from the CTS they continue to emphasize the reliability with respect to the nasopharyngeal swab that detects the RNA of the virus, reminding protocol drafted by the Higher Institute of Health with the Ministry of Health, Education, Inail, the Bruno Kessler Foundation, the Veneto Region and the Emilia-Romagna Region and approved last week at the State-Unified Regions Conference.
Rapid tests can give an answer even before 30 minutes; its sensitivity reaches the threshold of 85% (this means that out of 100 positive people, 15 are not intercepted). A quite relevant figure considering the school context and the relatively rapid spread of the infection. But what are the measures of containment Should it be adopted in case of infections within a school? According to the buffer and quarantine technicians, as specified in the protocol. The operational reference guidelines for handling the cases developed continue to be those approved at the State-Regions Conference. “However, as was also hypothesized in the ISS report, the rapid evolution Rapid tests offer prospects for use when sensitivity improves.”, Concluded the outstanding exponent of the Technical-Scientific Committee Sergio Iavicoli.