“When you get on the Strait of Messina and you can’t find the bike lane… “. Antonio Maria Rinaldi makes his joke his Radio Savannah, Twitter account very followed by the sovereigns of Italy, to provoke Paola De Micheli. In recent hours, the Minister of Transport has become the laughing stock of the center-right (and not only) of the idea of a bike path on the Messina bridge. Even its predecessor Danilo Toninelli, grillino literally put on the cross for blunders and social outings (and in fact “condemned” for the events related to another bridge, the much more tragic Morandi Bridge de Genova) felt entitled to raise his head and ironically: “So you get on a mule?”
The video of Rinaldi, a League MEP with a taste for mockery, goes further, however: the man riding a bicycle faces the waves, risking his neck, is the (satirical) video that best photographs the situation of a Government suspended between the political tragedy and the pretense of spectacle.
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