The first rumors reveal the deception: only small financial contributions. The governor: “The emergency is health care”
Nello Muumeci rejects the Lampedusa Decree. Since the first indiscretions of the press, in fact, in the measure there would only be a small economic aid for the island but no intervention decided to stop the health emergency due to the uninterrupted landings: “We will evaluate the measures launched by the central government on Lampedusa as soon as possible. the relative decree. Also because in Rome, in violation of the Autonomist Statute, they decided to deliberate in the absence of the President of the Region on a matter of regional interest, “writes the Sicilian governor on social media.
“From what we learn from the press – he continues – it seems that there are first measures of support, for the economic emergency that begins from that island and also involves other Sicilian cities, the most exposed at the moment and not yet affected by similar measures. Beyond the inadequate economic measures, I keep repeating that there is a health emergency in Sicily and it is getting stronger, so we await concrete events. Yesterday afternoon we sent the document of the health working group on critical points and reception centers to the prefectures. Lampedusa is about to explode. And we hope that today the emptying of the island will take place, as agreed in the Roman meeting ”.
“Even the tragic death of the young Eritrean, who escaped from the reception center, sounds like a warning: this emergency situation cannot be treated as normal. And the feeling is precisely this ”, he concludes.