Bologna, September 4, 2020 – A slight increase compared to recent days, the number of Coronavirus infections in the province of Bologna. According to what emerged from the bulletin released by the Region today, September 4, i new cases in the metropolitan area are 21 (yesterday 18, the eve of 19), of which 14 symptomatic. 9 refer to people who have returned from Sardinia.
Of 21 new cases, 4 returns from abroad (3 from Albania and 1 from Romania), 11 from other regions (9 Sardinia, 1 from Campania and 1 from Umbria), 1 case is attributable to an already known outbreak on the Romagna Riviera, 2 are contacts of already known cases, 3 have been classified as sporadic.
me tampons made yesterday throughout theEmilia romagna they were 10,010 (the day before 10,243). They were 126 new infections in the region.
Since the beginning of the emergency until today, 5,756 cases have been registered in the province of Bologna. A figure to which the 514 cases (86 active) of reference area of the Imola Local Health Authority, where they are registered today 6 additional positives: 5 with contained symptoms and 1 asymptomatic, all in home isolation. Two people are from Medicine and 4 from Imola. The 6 cases refer to returns from foreign countries (Albania, Romania and Ukraine) and are therefore isolated from the moment of return.
Meanwhile, there are only two positive cases for hyssop (one of which in Bologna) in more than 25 thousand serological tests have already been carried out on school personnel in Emilia-Romagna. Of the 736 serological positives, just for two the positivity was later confirmed by the subsequent swab: one refers to Bologna and the other to Reggio Emilia. Against 2,307 serological tests carried out in the province of Bologna, 72 cases of positivity. In the Ausl di Imola reference area, however, they are 6 his 540.
“The results are extremely encouraging, given that the positivity for the virus is almost nil, of thousands of people who have already tried,” he says. the regional adviser for health policies, Raffaele Donini, and the school, Paola Salomoni –. We thank those who have decided to voluntarily submit to this epidemiological investigation, rendering a very useful service to the entire community, children and young people in the first place, and we trust that adherence will continue to increase. Let us go ahead, therefore, with a campaign that we really wanted, and that was carried out thanks to the commitment of all the actors involved, precisely to ensure the start of the school year in the name of maximum health security ”.
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