Infection bulletin today Milan and Lombardy coronavirus September 4, 2020 Friday today


The war against the coronavirus does not stop. On Friday, September 4, in Lombardy (compared to 27,324 swabs) another 337 people infected with the Chinese virus were found, 144 only between Milan and the interior and 78 in the shadow of the Madonnina.

The most worrying data is relative to the pressure on hospitals: in a single day, another 19 people were hospitalized in health facilities in the Region. Covid departments take in 244 patients (+19 in 24 hours) while intensive care units treat 26 patients (-1 compared to yesterday). The long road to death did not stop: the virus arrived from China killed another six people and the (official) total has reached 16,876.

The province in which the most cases have been registered is Milan: +144. Followed by Brescia (36), Monza and Brianza (33), Mantua (32), Bergamo (26), Varese (14), Como (13), Pavia (10), Lecco (8), Cremona (7), Lodi (1), Sondrio (1).

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In Lombardy “Panther” capable of processing 1,000 swabs per day

‘Panther’, the newest swab processing system that enables the ASST Papa Giovanni XXIII Microbiology and Virology Laboratory in Bergamo to analyze up to 1000 swabs per day in a highly automated and efficient way, has been the subject of today’s study . di Lombardia Notizie Online which was attended by Maria Beatrice Stasi, general director of the ASST, and Andrea Gianatti, director of the Laboratory.

‘Panther’ joins the three different platforms for the diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 infection already present for Pope John XXIII which, however, will continue to play an important role.

“It is thanks to the donations collected during the Covid emergency – explained Maria Beatrice Stasi – that we acquired Panther with the ‘rental’ formula. This technology allows us to double the tampons that we are able to process every day. An organization that allows us to ensure the management of the testing boom of this period and the maximum precision and safety for our patients, contributing substantially to the regional screening program ”.

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In total, more than 62,000 swabs and more than 28,000 serological tests have been performed in Pope John’s laboratories since March. “The Department of Laboratory Medicine – added Andrea Gianatti – immediately faced the COVID-19 emergency with great availability and collaboration. We involve all staff in a coordinated manner, combining experiences and skills acquired across the laboratories and redistributing resources. human beings in order to optimize the diagnostic processes. “” The contribution that Pope John XXIII continues to make to the health surveillance of Covid-19 in the provincial territory is absolutely decisive – concluded Maria Beatrice Stasi. An enormous job for which We must thank all the medical, nursing and technical personnel and administrative personnel committed in these weeks to guarantee an extraordinary activity that accompanies the ordinary clinic. ”(LNews)
