THE REGIONAL SITUATION, TODAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 2020 – In Emilia romagna they registered today September 4 126 cases of positivity (Eight more than yesterday; of these 126 cases, 54 are asymptomatic identified in the context of regional contact tracing and detection activities). 32,371 cases in total since the start of the pandemic. HE swabs performed on the last day were 10,010, with an average of positive swabs equal to 1.26% (slightly higher than yesterday). The mean age of new positives from today He’s 42 years old. Today there are no dead.
its 54 new asymptomatic, 21 were identified through screening and tests introduced by the Region, 26 thanks to contact tracing, 4 cases arose from prehospital tests and of 3 cases the epidemiological investigation is still unknown. Regarding the situation in the territory, the highest number of cases is registered in the provinces of Bologna (27), Reggio Emilia (18), Modena (16), Ravenna (14), Forlì (19).
In the province of Bologna, Out of 21 new cases, 4 returns from abroad (3 from Albania and 1 from Romania), 11 from other regions (9 from Sardinia, 1 from Campania and 1 from Umbria), 1 case is attributable to an already known outbreak in Romagna Riviera, 2 are contacts of already known cases, 3 have been classified as sporadic.
A Forlì, of 19 new cases, 3 returned from abroad (Macedonia), 1 from other regions (Sardinia), 4 rubbed as contacts of already known cases, 3 due to the presence of symptoms, 4 were identified by screening, 2 controls carried out in a spontaneous, 2 diagnosed thanks to pre-hospital screening.
In the province of Reggio emilia, of 18 new positives, 1 returned from abroad (Egypt), 1 from other regions (Sardinia), 1 is linked to an outbreak already known in the Riviera, 10 are contacts of already known cases in the context of family outbreaks, 5 were classified as sporadic. In the province of Modena, of 16 new positives, 4 returned from abroad (1 from Ukraine, 1 from Romania, 1 from Moldova and 1 from Morocco), 5 from other regions (3 from Puglia, 1 from Sardinia and 1 from Trentino), 6 are contacts from known cases and 1 sporadic case.
A Ravenna and province, of 14 new cases, 2 return from abroad (Albania), 1 from other regions (Sardinia), 9 emerged as contacts of already known cases and 2 sporadic.
ACTIVE CASES – Active cases, that is, the number of real patients, continue to grow and today are 3,189 (4 more than those registered yesterday).
PEOPLE IN ISOLATION – People isolated at home, that is, those with mild symptoms that do not require hospital treatment or do not have symptoms, are generally 3,062 (minus 4 compared to yesterday).
INTENSIVE THERAPY – The number of patients in intensive care (+2) and 114 increased to 13 those hospitalized in other Covid wards (+ 6).
Cure– Healed people in general are 24,719 (+ 122).
DEATH – Today there are no dead.
CASES IN THE REGION BY PROVINCIAL – These are the new cases of positivity in the area, which refer not to the province of residence, but to the one in which the diagnosis was made:
- 6,273 to Bologna and Imola (+27, of which 19 symptomatic)
- 5,421 a Reggio emilia (+18, of which 15 symptomatic)
- 4,845 a Piacenza (+10, of which 3 symptomatic)
- 4,487 to Modena (+16, of which 9 symptomatic)
- 3,996 to Parma (+7, of which 3 symptomatic)
- 2,445 a Rimini (+6, of which 3 symptomatic)
- 1,487 a Ravenna (+14, of which 7 symptomatic)
- 1,250 a Ferrara (+4, of which 1 symptomatic)
- 1,179 to Forlì (+19, of which 10 symptomatic)
- 991 to Cesena (+5, of which 2 symptomatic).
Information from Ravenna authorities today, September 3
Through the provincial territory of Ravenna today 14 new positives were registered: 7 asymptomatic and 7 with symptoms, 13 in home isolation and 1 hospitalized. It is about 6 males and 8 females, and in detail: 1 box imported from other regions (Sardinia); 2 cases imported from abroad (Albania); 9 cases arose as contacts of already known cases (5 in the family and 4 in friends); 2 sporadic cases (due to access to the emergency room, and one of them is the only hospitalized patient). There are no deaths while there are 7 complete cures and 2 clinical cures for which negativization swabs will be performed. The total number of cases diagnosed since the beginning of the infection in the Ravenna area, updated today, is therefore 1,487, whose distribution by municipality is as follows:
- 68 residents outside the province of Ravenna
- 648 to Ravenna (+ 7)
- 224 in Faenza (+ 3)
- 124 Cervia (+ 3)
- 98 Lugo (+1)
- 66 Russians
- 54 Bagnacavallo
- 38 Alfonsine
- 36 castel Bolognese
- 25 Fusignano
- 21 Cotignola
- 19 Brisighella
- 19 Massa Lombarda
- 17 Solarolo
- 10 Conselice
- 10 Riolo Terme
- 7 Sant’Agata sul Santerno
- 2 Casola Valsenio
- 1 Bagnara