“The results are tremendously encouraging, given that the positivity to the virus is almost nil, of the thousands of people who have already been tested – commented the regional adviser for health policies. Raffaele Donini, and to the School, Paola Salomoni– We thank those who have voluntarily decided to undergo this epidemiological investigation, rendering a very useful service to the entire community, children and young people in the first place, and we trust that the membership will continue to increase ”.
The campaign, organized by local health authorities and coordinated by the Region with the determined collaboration of general practitioners and the regional office of the school, began on August 24 and offers all education workers the possibility of carrying out, Voluntary and totally free, a serological test to identify people who have come into contact with the virus and have developed antibodies, even in the absence of symptoms. These tests will then be repeated periodically throughout the school year.
Among school directors, regular and substitute teachers, educators, assistants and administrative personnel of schools of all levels, including children, and of educational services 0-3 – both public and private – almost 97 thousand units (96,539) selection of Target personnel, to which will be added approximately 5,000 authorized support positions and the extra staff that the Ministry of Education will assign to educational institutions due to the health emergency linked to Covid-19.