What is the minimum score to participate?


Medicine Test 2020: which is the minimum score to participate? A question likely to be asked by candidates who completed the 2020 Medicine exam on the morning of September 3.

Clearly there is a Minimum score to pass the 2020 Medicine exam and that allows you to be included in the classification to be published next September 29th, just as there is a Top Score accessible.

The minimum score allows you to enter the ranking, but individual universities will define theirs based on available places. Let us remember that for this year’s Medicine test the candidates were 66,638 for 13,072 places.

Yesterday the solutions for the Medicine 2020 test were also published, waiting to see the scores in September 17 and the next ranking at 29.

Medicine test 2020: what is the minimum score?

As we anticipate for the 2020 Medicine test, there is a minimum score that allows you to enter the ranking, but then you will have to deal with the individual university places. Pass the 2020 Medicine exam and be considered therefore suitable the minimum score is twenty, the maximum that can be obtained 90.

To understand what could be the minimum score to enter Medicine, we could refer to those granted last year, in 2019, which allowed access to the Medicine and Surgery career of the different Italian universities according to the national ranking published on 1 October and that for 2020 is scheduled for September 29. The minimum scores on the medical exam were as follows:

  • Minimum score of Medicine Milano Bicocca 56.1;
  • Minimum score of Pavía Medicine 51.8;
  • Medicine Milano minimum score 51.8;
  • Bologna Medicine minimum score 51.1;
  • Medicine Padova minimum score 50.9;
  • Medicine Verona minimum score 49.9;
  • Minimum score of Modena Medicine – Reggio Emilia 49.6;
  • Medicine Udine minimum score 45.8;
  • Medicine Brescia minimum score 48.5;
  • Ferrara Medicine minimum score 44.1;
  • Torino Medicine minimum score 46.7;
  • Medicine Varese Insubria minimum score 47.8;
  • Vercelli Medicine minimum score 46.2;
  • Minimum score for Medicine Trieste 45.6;
  • Minimum score for Parma Medicine 45.5;
  • Medicine Firenze minimum score 45.3;
  • Genova Medicine minimum score 44.8;
  • Minimum Medicine Pisa score 44.8;
  • Minimum score for Medicine Naples Federico II 44.2;
  • Medicine Palermo minimum score 42.1;
  • Siena Medicine minimum score 43.9;
  • Medicine Catania minimum score 44.2;
  • Marche Polytechnic Medicine minimum score 44;
  • Perugia Medicine minimum score 43.3;
  • Minimum score of the Polyclinic of Medicine – Roma la Sapienza 44;
  • Salerno Medicine minimum score 44;
  • Minimum score for Medicine S. Andrea Roma Sapienza 43.2;
  • Medicine Roma Tor Vergata minimum score 42.7;
  • Chieti Pescara Medicine minimum score 42.6;
  • Foggia Medicine minimum score 42.5;
  • Medicine L’Aquila minimum score 42.3;
  • Medicine Palermo minimum score 42.1;
  • Campobasso Medicine minimum score 41.9;
  • Sassari Medicine minimum score 41.9;
  • Medicine Cagliari minimum score 41.8;
  • Napoli Vanvitelli Minimum Medicine Score 41.7;
  • Catanzaro Medicine minimum score 41.5;
  • Messina Messina minimum score 41.4.

For the Medicine 2020 test, the minimum scores could change because it is necessary to take into account also and especially the places available in each university and the results obtained by all in the test. The minimum score to enter Medicine last year was 41.4 and it was 11,402 from the University of Messina. This year there are 13,072 places.

2020 minimum medical exam score: when are the results published?

To know what is the minimum score of the 2020 Medicine test for each university, we will have to wait for the results or better yet the ranking that will be published in Universitaly next September 29. The rolls will start from October 7.

In detail, we read in the decree that regulates the 2020 Medicine exam and other degrees with restricted access, that on September 29, 2020, in relation to the merit ranking and the number of places available in universities, in the area reserved for students, the names of those who are “assigned” or “reserved” to the course and location listed as the first helpful preference are posted and a list of those candidates is provided to each college.

The displacement of the ranking will begin from October 7, 2020. So to know what are the minimum scores to enter the Faculty of Medicine in 2020 it will be necessary to wait for the ranking. But first there are other important dates to remember and they are:

  • he September 17 with the publication of the scores of the individual candidates in the reserved area of ​​Universitaly with the code of etiquette that they must remember from the day of the 2020 Medicine test;
  • he September 25, 2020, always on their own reserved page of the Universitaly portal, candidates will be able to see their work, their score and their personal file.