76% of your list in Veneto is also liked by M5s – Libero Quotidiano


In Veneto there is no match: Luca zaia he will reconfirm himself as governor of Veneto and he will do so with figures never seen before. A few days before the Regionals of September 21 Nando Pagnoncelli estimates the Northern League at 76 percent. A sensational figure from the survey reserved for Corriere della Sera which speaks of a “transversal satisfaction”. The positive evaluation of Zaia’s work prevails in fact even among M5S voters (55 percent).

Right and left deserve someone like Zaia, I wouldn't be surprised if ... Calenda, sensational bomb in the Pd

In short, for the candidates of the other parties, the Regionals are a real political suicide. The center-left candidate Arturo Lorenzoni and that of the 5 Star Movement, Enrico Cappelletti, they are listed at 16.3 and 4.9 percent respectively. Not only that, one more element of confirmation of the favor that the president enjoys is attested by the voting guidelines attributed to his list (Zaia Presidente), which with 34.5 precedes his party of belonging, La Lega, credited by 23.5 . Followed by the Democratic Party with 15.1, Fratelli d’Italia with 8.8, the M5S with 5.2 and Forza Italia with 3.5 percent.
