Even those who have no symptoms of coronavirus infection but are positive can’t work in any way, not even in smart work. What is written in the Cura Italia and Relaunch decrees and confirmed by the INPS itself, is putting many companies in crisis thanks to the resurgence of infections, although those infected do not show symptoms of contagion.
In fact, the regulatory framework requires that people with a positive result for coronavirus, although asymptomatic, do not have to carry out any type of action related to their profession: and if it seems logical that workers positive for Covid-19 who perform manual activities in the company do not They can go to the ‘within their own structure, much controversy is stirring the application of the rule for smart workers who, instead, could work from home without putting their colleagues at risk of infection. Not only that: even isolation after returning from vacation spent in a hazardous location is equivalent to a quarantine without work.
A situation that impacts the productive force of our country, already strongly affected by the confinement with more than 10,000 people already potentially affected by the problem (75% of the more than 21,000 new post-holiday infections affect people of working age and mainly asymptomatic, ed) and that could increase even more as tampons increase.
Smart work, the boom even after lockdown
The lockdown was the launching pad for smart work in the private sector as well, where employees who used work from home for at least one day went from 480,000 in the pre-lockdown phase to 1.5 million in mid-March / June 16.
A reversal of the trend – according to data from the Ministry of Labor and Inail – but also the breaking of a taboo given that until the health emergency smart work was a modality used by 2% of workers compared to 11% of the average. EU. Now, according to Istat, almost a third of the workforce (7 million employees) could work from home, especially in service activities. Not to mention the public sector where for months there have been peaks of 90% of work from home in central administrations.
But are we facing a structural change at work? The growth trend continued after the lockdown and if some studies show that working in agile mode can improve productivity without increasing working hours but eliminating the time needed to go to the office, on the other side of the coin it leads to an elimination . of an induced who lives and works in support of the office staff.
The smart work crisis: the economy blocked by abandoned offices
The turning point will be on October 15 when the regulations planned for agile work simplified for the private sector. Except for extensions of the state of emergency, the possibility of companies placing workers in smart working unilaterally and without the individual agreements provided for in Law 81/2017 will end.
Different speech for public workers for whom the application of smart working is envisaged, until December 31, for 50% of the workforce employed in activities compatible with this form of work.
As of mid-October, therefore, new activations of smart working in the private sector must follow the ordinary regulations, that is, provide an agreement signed by individual workers that establishes the procedures for carrying out the service outside the facilities of the company and for the exercise of the management power of the employer. , the tools to be used, the rest times and the measures to guarantee the right to disconnect.
Dadone: “Smart work at full capacity will be different, less massive”
The Minister of Public Administrations, Fabiana Dadone, in Agorà Estate in Rai3 anticipated that intelligent work in the PA will be different: “At that time we met an agile work that was actually remote, we will see it less massive and massive and with differences due to the fact that those responsible are those in charge to organize and identify what activities can be carried out in agile work. In any case, it will be true agile work that also applies to other European countries “
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Agile work does not provide the worker 5 days out of the 5 to stay at home, but rather provides for the management of different common spaces and places, perhaps providing the possibility of one or two days a week to work not necessarily from home.