The Ministry has sent clarifications on the Ordinance of July 10, 2020, n. 60 for the publication of the provincial rankings of substitutes.
Advantages of the computerized system for updating alternate classifications
In the introduction, the Head of Department dr. Marco Bruschi thanks all those who in recent weeks have guaranteed, and continue to guarantee, an extraordinary organizational result, treating a total of almost 2,000,000 files and illustrating the advantages of the new computer system.
- reduces processing times
- Eliminates differences in valuations in individual rankings, ensuring impartiality and
objectivity; - allows you to have the classifications on time, avoiding the domino effect under which the
the slowdown of a single educational institution meant the blocking of entire provinces
Teacher registration
The grades submitted, once validated by the individual educational institutions, will enter the teacher registry, which will allow their use for the subsequent submission of applications without the need for further verification and compliance by teachers and the administration.
Controls of values and services presented
The controls are still in progress for the different stages planned. A work that will be definitive. The rankings eventually modified in the acceptance of complaints will be republished before the respective calls.
The Ministry indicates the opportunity, in accordance with the usual rules that govern all administrative procedures, to proceed in legitimate defense with the rectification of manifestly erroneous scores and with the acceptance of manifestly founded complaints, understanding that for the purposes of inclusion in the ranking Only what the applicant actually declares in the application form must be taken into account and subject to the rigorous controls provided.
Score for service
The Ministry reiterates what has already been indicated in note no. 1290: the global score of the service that can be evaluated for each ranking, in the case of several services and for each school year, is equal to a maximum of 12 points.
The score can also be achieved by virtue of the sum of several “non-specific” services, such as to reach the maximum score of 12 points.
In the case of scores higher than 12 points, the information system automatically anticipated the relative reduction, returning it to the maximum of 12 predicted points.
The increase in the scores awarded by the service, which also aroused astonishment and led us to assume errors, is instead the effect of the supervening legislation, which changed the calculation criteria and was
received promptly by the computer system.
Second grade secondary musical instrument
Regarding the competition class A55 (musical instrument in upper secondary school), candidates of 1st and 2nd level, in accordance with Annex E referred to in the decree of the Minister of Education, University and Research of May 9, 2017, No. 259, must also possess the specific service requirement (at least 16 days) in the musical high school courses.
GPS II band support
Furthermore, with regard to second-level support GPS teaching, the presence of three years of specific support service at the same educational level must be verified in the different control phases. In these two cases, the manager is helping the offices resolve any misalignment.
Evaluation of research grants: the only “call” won must be evaluated, not the annuities.
It is also advisable to check the scores declared for obtaining the title of Higher Technical Institute, as some applicants may have wrongly declared the title of Baccalaureate.
Finally, with regard to the 1st level GPS in childhood and primary school, the timely verification work must continue, checking that the candidates have not improperly valued the service provided in these grades during the legal duration of the course, since already evaluated, at a rate of 12 points per year, in the score attributed to the title; and the score relating to the linguistic certifications carried out by the University Language Centers must be excluded, which, as has been said repeatedly, was not declarable or evaluable.
Validation of scores
In any case, the final phase of validation is entrusted to the designated school institutions in the first place, to which specific instructions will also be sent in order to deal with the most sensitive cases, such as future false statements that may arise.
Official clarifications of the Ministry September 4, 2020