There are currently 417 people positive for coronavirus in Friuli Venezia Giulia (8 more than yesterday). Four patients are being treated in intensive care (one more, a man from Udine born in 1975), while 11 are hospitalized in other wards. No new deaths were recorded (349 in total).
Today they have been detected 23 new infections. Therefore, analyzing the general data since the beginning of the epidemic, the people who tested positive for the virus are 3,854: 1,491 in Trieste (plus four), 1,229 in Udine (plus 13), 848 in Pordenone (plus two) and 274 in Gorizia (plus four), plus 12 people from outside the region.
Those fully cured amounted to 3,088 (plus 15), five clinically recovered and 397 people in isolation (plus 10). The deceased are 197 in Trieste, 77 in Udine, 68 in Pordenone and 7 in Gorizia.
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