Civil Protection data for today September 4


There are 11 deaths in the last 24 hours, with a total of 35,518 deaths. The number of positives since the start of the pandemic, including deaths and cured, rises to 274,644. Those healed are 209,027. After seven days of increase, intensive care remains stable and is 121 (+1). The swabs performed in one day are 113,085

There are 1,733 new cases of coronavirus in Italy, for a total of 274,644, including deaths and those recovered. No similar daily increase has been observed since May 2, but there is also a new record for swabs done in 24 hours (+113,085). Eleven victims, while intensive care -after 7 days on the rise- remains stable (121, one more than yesterday). This was reported in the bulletin of the Ministry of Health of September 4. The Emilia Romagna region reports that, after verifying the data reported in recent days, 1 case from Bologna was eliminated as it was considered not a Covid-19 case. Therefore, the total number of positive cases reported yesterday is corrected: correct n 32246-1. The Veneto Region reports that 50 cases refer to a laboratory that raised the cases later and that they date back to the first 15 days of August (LIVE UPDATES – THE SPECIAL).

The victims, the recovered and the quantity of tampons


Coronavirus, the situation in Italy: graphs and maps

The victims, in total, are 35,518. The cured, in the last 24 hours, are 537, for a total of 209,027. Patients with symptoms are 1,607 (+102). On the other hand, 28,371 people are in home isolation (+1,081). There are a total of 9,034,743 swabs, an increase of 113,085 compared to September 3. The cases analyzed are so far 5,414,708, net of the number of swabs that have been made.

The data region by region

In detail, according to the data released by the Ministry of Health, the currently positive people are:

7,669 in Lombardy

1,648 in Piedmont

3,189 in Emilia-Romagna

2,780 in Veneto

1,817 in Tuscany

3,688 in Lazio

673 in Liguria

2,731 in Campania

341 in the Marches

1,086 in Puglia

230 in the autonomous province of Trento

1,284 in Sicily

412 in Friuli Venezia Giulia

471 in Abruzzo

209 in the autonomous province of Bolzano

1,010 in Sardinia

327 in Umbria

313 in Calabria

35 in the Aosta Valley

108 in Basilicata

78 in Molise

The victims

As for the victims, there are:

16,876 in Lombardy (+6)

4,149 in Piedmont (+1)

4,463 in Emilia-Romagna

2,126 in Veneto (+3)

1,143 in Tuscany

879 in Lazio

1,572 in Liguria

447 in Campania (+1)

988 in the Marche region

560 in Puglia

405 in the autonomous province of Trento

288 in Sicily

349 in Friuli Venezia Giulia

472 in Abruzzo

292 in the autonomous province of Bolzano

135 in Sardinia

80 in Umbria

97 in Calabria

146 in Aosta Valley

28 in Basilicata

23 in Molise
