news, contagion data and updates today September 4, 2020


Of the almost 12 thousand swabs today in Lazio, 171 new cases of coronavirus are registered and of these 106 are in Rome and zero deaths. In the province of the capital, however, there are 36 new infections, 12 in Latina, 12 also in Frosinone, three in Rieti and two in Viterbo.

This was announced by the Lazio Councilor for Health, Alessio D’Amato, who explained: “The prevalence of cases of return is confirmed and links from Sardinia continue.”

The cases in Rome of coronavirus of September 4

In the Asl Roma 1 there are 43 cases in the last 24 hours and of these twenty cases of return, fifteen with links from Sardinia, two from France, one from Abruzzo, one from Marche and one from Tuscany. Five are cases with family ties to already known and isolated cases and four are contacts of already known and isolated cases.

In ASL Roma 2 there are 50 cases in the last 24 hours and among these twenty-five return cases, twenty with links from Sardinia, two from Romania, one from Albania, one from Marche and one from Campania. One case identified in the prehospital phase.

In ASL Roma 3 there are 13 cases in the last 24 hours and among these six with links from Sardinia and five are contacts of already known and isolated cases.

The new cases in the province of the capital

In ASL Roma 4 there are 14 cases in the last 24 hours and among these thirteen cases of return, twelve with links from Sardinia and one from Romania. A case is a contact of an already known and isolated case.

In ASL Roma 5 there are 7 cases in the last 24 hours and there are three return cases, one with links from Sardinia and two from Puglia. Three are contacts of already known and isolated cases.

In ASL Roma 6 there are 15 cases in the last 24 hours and of these eleven are return cases, nine with links from Sardinia and two from Hungary.

Infections in the other cities of Lazio

In the provinces there are 29 cases and zero deaths in the last 24 hours. In Latin ASL there are twelve cases and of these six return, three from Romania, one from France, one from Puglia and one from Albania. In the Frosinone ASL there are twelve cases and of these three with links from Sardinia and one from Albania. One case identified in access to the emergency room and three are contacts of already known and isolated cases.

In the ASL of Viterbo there are two cases, one of return from Ukraine and the other is a contact of an already known and isolated case. In Rieti’s ASL there are three cases and it is a case with links from Sardinia and one is a contact of an already known and isolated case

Montino: “Increase in infections as in the confinement”

“We are approaching the same figures that we saw during the closure and the peak of the pandemic in our country – underlines the mayor of Fiumicino Esterino Montino – and it is something that we must avoid. That is why I can only renew my invitation to scrupulously follow the three golden rules to contain the infection: wear a mask, wash your hands frequently and keep an interpersonal distance of at least 1 meter. “” Let’s not underestimate these data -concludes Montino- : let’s all work not to get infected “.

Spallanzani: 60 positive Sars-CoV-2 hospitalized

There are 60 patients admitted to Spallanzani positive for the Sars-CoV-2 research swab. The institute itself explains it in a note. 4 patients in intensive care, patients discharged or transferred to home or other local structures are, this morning, 636.

In Fiumicino 150 tests and a positive

Testing continues unabated at the drive-in established in the extended stay area of ​​the Fiumicino airport and at Terminal 3 of the airport. From midnight until this morning, 150 rapid tests have been carried out that allowed to identify a positive.

Travelers demonstrate in the more than 40 pages of comments they left in Terminal 3 that they appreciate the assistance and service offered by the operators: ‘Wonderful assistance’ and again ‘With people like you we can change the world!’, ‘W Italian sanitation ‘. This was announced by the COVID-19 Crisis Unit of the Lazio Region.

“We are proud of the great work our healthcare workers are doing across the country,” commented Lazio Regional Health Councilor Alessio D’Amato.

Coronavirus cases throughout the Lazio region

There are currently 3,544 Covid-19 positives in Lazio. Of these, 351 are hospitalized, 9 are in intensive care and 3,184 are in home isolation. However, the number of deaths since the beginning of the pandemic is 879 people, while a total of 7177 have been cured. Since March, 11,600 cases have been registered throughout the Region.

Three cases at Fiumicino airport: back from a bodybuilding contest

3 positive cases identified at Fiumicino airport: these are 2 men and a woman returning from an “international bodybuilding competition, the Diamond Cup, held in Malta on August 29-30”. This was announced by the Regional Crisis Unit on the Health Lazio Facebook page.

In Lazio, transport has increased since September

The Mobility Commission of the Lazio Regional Council, chaired by Eugenio Patanè, met today electronically for a hearing on the situation of local public transport in the Covid-19 emergency and in the return phase and the beginning of the school year.

The session was attended by the regional councilor Mauro Alessandri and the president of Cotral Amalia Colaceci. The first illustrated the initiatives launched by the Regional Council to guarantee safe transport services, starting with the ‘Operational guidelines for interventions to be carried out in September’ in the implementation of Dgr n. 459 of July 21. These are three interventions aimed at ensuring the strengthening of regional mobility services as of September.

Terna, agreement with the Tor Vergata Polyclinic for serological tests

Thanks to an agreement with the Tor Vergata Polyclinic, the first of a series of agreements to be signed with other public health structures, Terna employees have the opportunity to carry out, on a voluntary basis, the serological test that will affect not only the approximately 1,400 employees in Lazio but also the remaining 2,500 distributed throughout the Italian territory. The company is also considering organizing a vaccination campaign against seasonal influenza.

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Updated at 4:40 pm on September 4
