Rome, September 4, 2020 – After the resurgence of yesterday’s infections, which exceeded the ceiling of a thousand positives, among them Silvio Berlusconi, now hospitalized in San Raffaele, the new bulletin about the epidemic of Coronavirus in Italy confirms the upward trend of the epidemic curve. Meanwhile, continue the experimentation of quick tests to identify Covid19 and so me ports he airports, the Ministry of Health thinks about rapid tests even in schools. In the rest of the world, the pandemic continues to spread. The alert is high in Latin America and India, but even in Europe the situation does not improve: in France some schools are already closing and in Madrid new restrictions are announced since Monday. The race to the vaccine And, while Russia and Cuba seem to advance, the WHO stops: “There will be no widespread vaccination until mid-2021.”
Covid or flu? Here’s how to tell them apart
Covid, the budget of September 4
Coronavirus infections continue to grow: in the last 24 hours they have been counted 1,733 (+336) with 113mila tampons done (about 20 thousand more than yesterday). This is what emerges from today’s bulletin issued by the Ministry of Health, which also records 11 deaths (+1). Those infected currently amount to 30,099 (1,184), of which 1,607 hospitalized with symptoms (+102) and 121 in intensive care (+1). Remain in isolation at home 28,371 patients (+1,081). In Lombardy, 337 positive cases were identified, 171 in Lazio and 126 in Emilia Romagna. There are 273 cases in Veneto, of which 50 are related to August.
The numbers of the Regions
Lombardy, record for tampons
am 337 new cases of Coronavirus in Lombardy, of which 65 ‘weakly positive’ and 15 after serological tests. Recorded record: 27,324 were carried out. Instead, it’s deaths. Increase in healed and discharged patients (107), but also hospitalized: 19 more. There are now 26 in intensive care, one less than yesterday. The ratio of the number of new swabs to the positive ones found is 1.23%. Regarding new cases by province, one Milan there are 144 (78 in the city). Bergamo: 26; Brescia: 36; Like: 13; Cremone: 7; Lecco: 8; Praise: 1; Mantua: 32; Monza and Brianza: 33; Pavia: 10; Sondrio: 1; Varese: 14.
Lazio, 171 cases
“In almost 12 thousand tampons today in Lazio are registered 171 almost, of these 106 are in Rome and zero dead. A prevalence of return cases is confirmed and links from Sardinia continue. “This was stated by the regional health adviser, Alessio D’Amato. The total number of Covid-19 cases examined in Lazio today reached 11,771, while the So far it is 879 and 7,204 of those cured are currently positive 3,688 people are currently positive, 363 are hospitalized outside of intensive care and 9 are in intensive care, while 3,316 are in home isolation.
Emilia Romagna: 126 positivity
Since the start of the coronavirus epidemic, 32,371 cases of positivity have been registered in Emilia Romagna, 126 more compared to yesterday, of which 54 asymptomatic were identified as part of regional contact tracing and detection activities. The number of swabs performed exceeds 10 thousand. The control and prevention activity continues: of the 126 new cases, 72 were already in isolation at the time of the swab execution and 53 were identified in the context of known outbreaks. There are 29 new infections related to returns from abroad, for which the Region has provided two nasopharyngeal swabs during fiduciary isolation if they arrive from non-Schengen countries and one swab if they return from Greece, Spain, Croatia and Malta. . The number of cases returning from other regions is 21. The average age of new positives is currently 42. Of 54 new asymptomatic patients, 21 were identified through the screening and tests introduced by the Region, 26 thanks Upon contact tracing, 4 cases emerged from tests prior to hospitalization and the epidemiological investigation of 3 cases is still unknown.
Tuscany: another 99 positives
In Tuscany there are 12,179 cases of positivity for Coronavirus, 99 more compared to yesterday (25 identified during follow-up and 74 from screening activities). New cases are 0.8% more than the total of the previous day. The average age of the cases at present is about 38 years, while in terms of clinical states, 70% were asymptomatic, 21% pauci-symptomatic and 16 cases may be linked to returns from abroad. Those cured grew 0.1% and reached 9,219 (75.7% of all cases). The swabs performed reached 567,766, 7,730 more than yesterday. Current positives are 1,817 today, + 5% compared to yesterday. Today there are no new deaths.
Veneto, cases amount to 273
Increase in 273 almost the positivity of Coronavirus registered in Veneto in the last 24 hours, raising the total since the start of the pandemic to 23,577. About 45 of the new positivities registered today – specifies the Region – are related to an importation from a private testing laboratory carried out in the second half of August. Then it is reported 121 cases in Treviso, mainly attributable to positivity in Factory “Aia” It’s in Travellers of areas at risk. Consequently, the current positives also grow, which are 2,780, 166 more than yesterday, while there are 3 deaths, bringing the total to 2,126. In non-critical areas of hospitals, 155 patients are hospitalized, of which 79 are positive; In intensive care there are 14 hospitalized, 10 of which are positive.
Campania, 170 infections
“Today we have 170 positives. 40 percent comes from abroad or from Sardinia, but we are beginning to have a reduction in cases of returns “. This was announced by the Governor of Campania Vincenzo De Luca, who spoke on a live Facebook.” Today – added the president of the Region – we registered a prevalence of territorial contagionThey are the ones who have not denounced to the ASL, who returned from abroad before August 12, some outbreak that arises here and there. We must gradually move the personnel involved in the return to the territories. In these hours we will hire another 500 people to work in the territories for controls and collisions by scope ”.
Umbria, new jump
New advance of Covid infections in Umbria: 35 positives in the last day, 1,874 since the start of the pandemic. The number of hospitalized patients also increased from 12 to 14 (from two to three in intensive care). Reports it to the Region website. Ten new cures were registered, 1,462 in total, and the positives currently increased from 307 to 332. The board still reports 80 deaths, but the Perugia hospital reported today on the 81st victim in Umbria. Done in the last 24 hours 2,176 swabs, 162,240 in total.
The other Regions
Contagions decrease again in Brands. After 9 p.m. yesterday, today’s coronavirus bulletin, September 4, speaks of 17 new cases in the last 24 hours, when 1,538 swabs were tested. In AbruzzoInstead, there is also a one-year-old among the 25 positive cases in Covid 19 and, as it has been going on for days, there are no deaths. There are 8 new infections in Friuli Venezia Giulia. In Puglia There are 117 new Covid infections, compared to 3,319 tests performed for the infection. Most of the cases (70) are concentrated in the province of Bari, 2 in the province of Brindisi; 2 in the Bat, 7 in the province of Foggia, 8 in Lecce, 23 in Taranto, 5 outside the region. Nineteen cases also in Calabria.
Today’s other news
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