Cts, published the first hundred minutes of Covid: secret plan and “red zones”


Since the end of February Italy had a plan to deal with the coronavirus epidemic but it was decided keep it confidential. The confirmation is contained in the secret acts so far of the Scientific technical committee. In the minutes of March 2, it is specified “regarding the Organizational Plan for Italy’s response in the event of an epidemic, the CTS undertakes to adopt it in the final version; The plan will be signed by all those who contributed to the research work, later it will be validated by the Cts and presented through the coordinator of the interventions (…) dott. Angelo Borrelli to the Hon. Minister Roberto Speranza. The CTS highlights the need for keep plan content “confidential”».

Almost a hundred minutes posted

The decision to reveal the reports of the scientific meetings was made by Palazzo Chigi. 95 minutes were published. On March 4, as can be seen from the minutes of that day, the CTS issued “an invitation to the Higher Institute of Health to update Italy’s organization and response plan in the event of an epidemic prepared by the ISS, with the Ministry of Health and Spallanzani of Rome in consideration of the evolution of the epidemiological dynamics of the country also based on the genetics of the strains identified in the last two weeks ».

The first six months of the emergency

The CTS also asked the ISS ‘one Timely and complete review of all causes of death in deceased patients. attributed to Covid-19 ”and complained that“ the information flow of the territory’s data continues to present strong criticalities that prevent and slow down a correct epidemiological analysis and the consequent actions to respond to the urgent needs of local health structures ”. The documents reveal what happened in the first six months of coronavirus emergency and reference is also made to the secret government plan that was prepared after the explosion of Covid cases in China. All the opinions of the scientists will be made public, including those on the establishment of the “red zones” and, therefore, the lack of closure of the Val Seriana. The choice is to make the CTS documents public. 45 days after processing.

The “red areas”

Also from the minutes of March 3, it seems that the CTS proposed the red zone also in Alzano and Nembro. The experts expected, precisely in the two towns of the province of Bergamo, the adoption of the “restrictive measures to limit dissemination“The virus. The report specifies that the reference is to the provisions already taken” in the municipalities of the red zone “, therefore in the Codogno area. That it was a situation with great changes can be seen in the minutes of 26 February when the Scientific Technical Committee He did not believe that the conditions existed to extend restrictions on the movement of people to new areas beyond the 10 municipalities. indicated as a red zone by the Dpcm of February 23. Five days before, the same CTS spoke about the Lombardia case sprout containedor: “We take note of the report from the Lombardy Region of sporadic cases in the process of confirmation.”

Total closure of schools? It only works if it lasts ”

Request for the opinion of the Minister of Health on the convenience of “close schools of all levels across the country“, The CTS of March 4 states in the minutes that” closure options must be proportional to the spread of the viral infection “, but that” currently there is no data that irrefutably addresses the usefulness of closing schools regardless of the epidemiological situation. “Local. Some predictive models indicate that the closure of schools could guarantee a limited reduction in the spread of viral infection. There is a consensus among initiates that an eventualSchool closures are estimated to be effective only if it is of prolonged duration. “On March 5, the following day, the minutes reported that” the CTS reiterates that the text prepared yesterday, in reference to the suspension of teaching activities, does not in any way contradict the decision to suspend adopted by the Council of Ministers. “.

September 4, 2020 (change September 4, 2020 | 17:33)

