Speakers from Castel Di Sangro, president of Napoli Aurelio De Laurentiis, spoke on various topics. Here are his words taken from TMW:
A title to define this retreat?
“It is difficult to find one. There are many changes in the training field, the market flows in parallel. You are very compressed in your roles, with great concentration. Here we have found some excellences. Today the National Team plays behind closed doors, but today we are Here we will play the second game with the doors half open. Thanks, then, to Marco Marsilio who, first in Italy, has started the reopening of the stadiums in complete safety. You know how I think, I would like to say that Napoli does not go out onto the pitch. I have it with Uefa, I hope that when our players return they will not be positive because otherwise for Uefa there will be historical problems. Nobody has ever said anything, I will say a lot. But with facts, with lawyers. “
The best moment after 16 years in Naples?
“The best moments are all, without regrets and what to do. We need to transform the mentality of this football, a world that does not want to change.”
On the subject of stadium reopening
“There is talk of the Federation and the League, but they cannot do anything before the National Scientific Committee. What can happen is that the Governors of the Regions can decide independently the reopening of the stadiums. The problem is the elections in some Regions, we play the first away from home on the 20th. We hope that afterwards San Paolo can reopen to 50% ”.
Is a new cycle starting for your Napoli?
“The goal is survival. In a context of stupidity, in a falsified championship, we survive. When the championship becomes serious again, not traumatized by the stupidity of many, then we will talk about goals again. We still do not know if it will be a championship normal”. or if Gravina will have the strength to change the formula, with play-offs and play-outs. Italians really like small talk, but then nobody has the balls to change things ”.
About the sale of Koulibaly
“I replied via text message to a large English newspaper. I replied that they claim they cannot speak to us directly about the Jorginho issue. So how do you think we can fuel a serious discussion about the sale of a player?”
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