peak of infections in Veneto and Puglia


The epidemic of coronavirus in Italy: today’s newsletter, Friday, September 4, 2020. After 5:00 p.m., the Ministry of Health will publish updated data on new infections, deaths, recovered patients, intensive care patients, and smears performed in the last 24 hours. Meanwhile, the data from the individual Regions are beginning to arrive, with the Veneto which registered 373 new cases and the Basilicata which sees an increase in currently positive patients.

In the last week, the number of new cases per day was often more than a thousand: on the day of Yesterday infections had been 1,397, with ten deaths. An increase in cases that, however, has gone hand in hand with the increase in swabs carried out in recent days.

Meanwhile, the conditions of Silvio Berlusconi, tested positive for coronavirus and was admitted to the San Raffaele hospital with bilateral pneumonia.

+ updated news +

Coronavirus, today’s newsletter Friday, September 4, 2020

  • Currently positive:
  • Passed away:
  • Unloaded / cured:
  • Hospitalized:
  • Hospitalized in Intensive Care:
  • Buffers:
  • Total cases:

Coronavirus, data region by region

“Of the nearly 12,000 current tampons in Lazio There are 171 cases of these 106 are in Rome and zero deaths. The prevalence of cases of return is confirmed and the links from Sardinia continue “. This was stressed by the Health Councilor of the Lazio Region, Alessio D’Amato in the newsletter of the Covi-19 Crisis Unit.” In ASL Roma 1 there are 43 cases in the last 24 hours and of these twenty cases of return, fifteen with links from Sardinia, two from France, one from Abruzzo, one from Marche and one from Tuscany. Five are cases with family ties to already known and isolated cases and four are contacts of already known and isolated cases -adds D’Amato- In Asl Roma 2 there are 50 cases in the last 24 hours and among these twenty-five return cases, twenty with links from Sardinia, two from Romania, one from Albania, one from Marche and one from Campania. One case identified in the prehospital phase. In ASL Roma 3 there are 13 cases in the last 24 hours and among these six with links from Sardinia and five are contacts of already known and isolated cases. In ASL Roma 4 there are 14 cases in the last 24 hours and among these thirteen cases of return, twelve with links from Sardinia and one from Romania. A case is a contact of an already known and isolated case “.

Out of a total of 3,319 swabs performed in one day in Puglia 117 new cases of contagion were registered, being the largest increase registered so far in this new phase of the Covid-19 emergency. Most of the cases, up to 70, were found in Bari and in the province. As explained by the general director of the ASL of Bari, Antonio Sanguedolce, “ most of these, 45, were identified during the activity of tracing close contacts linked to already known cases, while the rest emerged in the triage phase in Health Institutions ”. Another 23 were registered in the province of Taranto where the Ginosa RSA outbreak occurs (12 positives included in today’s bulletin), in addition 3 arose after a triage carried out by general practitioners and 8 due to attributed to clusters of people with relatives positive. The other cases refer to the provinces of Lecce (8), Foggia (7), Brindisi and BAT (2), finally 5 outside the region, and mainly refer to people who have come into contact with people whose positivity has already been checked. 320,159 tests have been carried out since the start of the emergency.

The positivity to the coronavirus registered in Italy increased by 373 cases Veneto in the last 24 hours, bringing the total since the start of the pandemic to 23,577. This was reported by the Regional Bulletin. About 45 of the new positivities registered today – specifies the Region – are related to an importation from a private testing laboratory carried out in the second half of August. Then 121 cases were reported in Treviso, mostly attributable to positivity at the “Aia” plant and travelers from risk areas.

People currently positive for the coronavirus in Friuli Venezia Giulia there are 417 (8 more than yesterday). Four patients are being treated in intensive care, while 11 are hospitalized in other wards. No new deaths were recorded (349 in total). This was announced by the Deputy Governor responsible for Health. Today 23 new infections have been detected; Therefore, analyzing the global data since the beginning of the epidemic, the people who tested positive for the virus are 3,854: 1,491 in Trieste, 1,229 in Udine, 848 in Pordenone and 274 in Gorizia, in addition to 12 people from outside of the region. The total number of cured amounted to 3,088, 5 clinically recovered and 397 people in isolation. The deceased are 197 in Trieste, 77 in Udine, 68 in Pordenone and 7 in Gorizia.

In Tuscany there are 12,179 cases of coronavirus positivity, 99 more than yesterday (25 identified in the course of screening and 74 from screening activities). Today there are no new deaths that remain 1143 since the beginning of the epidemic. New cases are 0.8% more than the total of the previous day, with an average age of about 38 years (32% are under 26 years, 23% between 26 and 40, 38% between 41 and 65 years , 7% are over 65).

A total of 3,853 positive cases for Covid 19 are registered in Abruzzo from the beginning of the emergency. Compared to yesterday there are 25 new cases (between 1 and 84 years), while the number of deceased patients remains at 472. This was reported by the Ministry of Health. The number of positive cases also includes 2910 discharged / cured (+8 compared to yesterday, of which 15 of symptomatic with clinical manifestations associated with Covid 19 became asymptomatic and 2895 that resolved the symptoms of the infection and were negative in two consecutive tests). The positives currently in Abruzzo (calculated by subtracting the number of discharged / recovered and deceased from the total positives) are 471 (+17 compared to yesterday). Since the start of the Coronavirus emergency, a total of 162,483 tests have been performed.

Seven new cases of Covid19 contagion, concerning seven Lucans, have been detected in Basilicata out of a total of 640 swabs. The cases refer to residents of Potenza (2), Policoro (2) San Severino Lucano (1), Tursi (1, domiciled in Policoro), Matera (1). On the same day, after a double negative smear, 4 foreign nationals were cured: 2 among those in home isolation and 2 among those housed in facilities dedicated to migrants arriving from Sicily. The number of people admitted to the Lucanian hospitals increased to 4 (+1): one in the infectious diseases department of the San Carlo hospital in Potenza, while in the Madonna delle Grazie hospital in Matera two patients are in the infectious diseases department and another in intensive care.

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“From August 12 to today in Campania We carried out 100,000 swabs to face the emergency derived from the wave of vacation returns and identified 2,300 positives. Half of them with an obligation of isolation for those who come from abroad and from Sardinia. And almost all are asymptomatic. If we had not implemented this prevention plan, we would have had thousands of people infected around Campania. We must continue to identify cases to avoid closing the region tomorrow. ” This was said by Governor Vincenzo De Luca during a direct Facebook on his official page.

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