The data of the week on the coronavirus in Italy


In the last week in Italy, 8,963 new cases of coronavirus infection were found, an increase of 14 percent compared to the previous seven days: therefore, there was a significantly smaller increase compared to the previous one, which had been more of 100. percent. However, it is the seventh consecutive week in which the new cases detected have grown, which confirms an upward trend that, for now, remains contained. Although the figures are similar to those of May, in fact, the situation of deaths and hospital admissions is still much better, although the latter are beginning to increase at a faster rate.

The weekly data on infections and deaths offer a more complete and clearer picture of the evolution of the epidemic, unlike the daily bulletins that can undergo large variations depending on whether, for example, on weekends or during the week, and that in any case they are less useful for identifying trends.

The death toll of people who had contracted the coronavirus registered this week is essentially stable: they were 44, one less than the previous seven days. Therefore, it is confirmed that, for the moment, there are no visible upward trends in the weekly number of deaths.

(This week the Istituto Superiore di Sanità has not published its bulletin with the analysis of the trend of the epidemic, which includes, among other things, data on outbreaks, the age of the newly infected, the percentage of asymptomatic and imported cases from abroad)

Regarding hospitals, the available data do not allow us to compare new weekly hospitalizations, but only the total number of patients present in the intensive care unit and in the other wards on a given day. Last Thursday there were 1,131 people in the non-ICU and 67 in the ICU. The weekly increase was more marked than those registered in recent months: 33 percent for ordinary hospitalizations and 79 percent for resuscitation patients. It should be specified, to interpret the hospitalization data, that at present a swab is performed on everyone who is admitted to the hospital: therefore, in addition to patients hospitalized for COVID-19 symptoms, those with other symptoms are also included. health problems. positive in the control test.

The region with the most weekly cases overall is still Lombardy, with 1,682, but Lazio and Campania, two regions where infections had been much more limited in the spring, record figures not much lower, 1,050 and 1,237 respectively. If the new cases discovered in Lazio were less than the previous week, those in Campania increased by 58%. In percentage, it worsened only in Calabria, where it went from 45 cases two weeks ago to 136 this week, an increase of more than 200%, and the province of Trento, which went from 42 cases to 169,300%. plus.

For the fourth consecutive week, the number of swabs per week has increased, reaching its peaks since the beginning of the epidemic, exceeding 100,000 daily tests for the first time (actually, we always refer to tests where the result on the same day, and not physically performed in 24 hours).
