“Juve has been working on the reopening of the stadium for some time. Between Suárez and Dzeko Pirlo they prefer the Bosnian”


Speaking to the microphones of Radio 24, Guido Vaciago He spoke about some issues related to Juventus:

On the reopening of the stadiums: “More than expected, I hope to see the start of the championship with the public in the stadiums. The technical times are there, Juventus worked with much anticipation. We need to understand how they are positioned in other stadiums. Already in July it was almost an obsession, for Juventus, to bring the public back and even then they were studying how to do it. We told each other many times, football without an audience loses a lot “.

On the forward wanted by Juventus: Suárez must obtain a community passport, it is the fundamental condition so that Juventus can take it. However, I don’t think that Dzeko is completely out of the game, even the negotiations seem to me blocked by #Napoli and the Milik question. If Roma went to tomorrow morning Close to Milik I think Juve would close Dzeko without waiting for Suárez. The first option? Pirlo would prefer Dzeko. The management may prefer Suárez because of the competitive mischief he puts on the field. ”
