When the gap was between men and women – Last minute


(ANSA) – BOLZANO, 04 SEPT – At the school with separate schedules, entrances and corridors. It is not the scene of the post-Covid school year that is about to begin, but of the 1960s, when a director from Bolzano feared the contract between men and women more than a virus. “Those born in Bolzano in the mid-1950s know very well what distancing was and what double shifts or staggered entries were by time, but not for health reasons and because there were some epidemics around but because of sexist obsessions of those who they ruled the schools. Their mission was to avoid any contact between men and women, ”journalist Maurizio Ferrandi tells ANSA, who brought to light the curious fact on the news portal Salto.bz. “The boys entered through one door and the girls through another but not at the same time because we could have found each other. We had to keep rigidly separated even in the corridors of the school as well as in different classrooms. Any contact was punished in the most severe way. “, recalls the former director of the Rai de Bolzano. (HANDLE).