Veneto Regionals survey, Zaia stands out with 74%. And his list beats La Liga by 11 points


The latest poll in view of the upcoming regional elections dedicated to Veneto, where a real triumph for incumbent President Luca Zaia who is preparing to win for the third time, like his predecessor Giancarlo Galan. The consensus found is at completely unusual values. In detail: 76% of Venetians expressed a positive assessment of the work of the outgoing administration.

Cross-sectional approval is prevalent even among M5 voters (55%), he is often highly critical of center-right boards, and is a minority only among center-left voters, among whom 45% say they appreciate him. More than two out of three respondents (68%) expect the next winner to intend to continue the work done in recent years. And, again, three out of four (73%) express satisfaction with Zaia’s candidacy; If under certain circumstances a plebiscite is possible (95%) among its own voters, it is very difficult for the most distant electorates to be appreciated by this entity: 47% among the pentatelados, 31% among the center-left voters and 44% among the abstentionists and undecided. It would be simplistic to attribute the positive judgments solely to the management of the health emergency, although Zaia has distinguished himself positively in this area, sometimes in contrast to his Lombard counterpart Attilio Fontana, who belongs to the same party.

It follows that Zaia prevails in voting intentions with 74%, closely followed by the center-left candidate Arturo Lorenzoni, estimated at 16.3%, and by Enrico Cappelletti of the 5-Star Movement at 4.9%. One more element of confirmation of the favor that the president enjoys is attested by the voting patterns attributed to his list (Zaia Presidente), which with 34.5% precedes his party of belonging, the Lega, credited by 23.5% . It is followed by the Democratic Party with 15.1%, Fratelli d’Italia with 8.8%, the M5S with 5.2% and Forza Italia with 3.5%. Voter turnout is estimated at 63%, in line with last year’s Europeans. In this context, it is not surprising that the divided vote favors Zaia who would obtain 2.5% more than the sum of the votes of the coalition that supports him.

For the incumbent president, already a winner in 2010 with 60% and in 2015 with 50%, Therefore, a personal success of great proportions is emerging: if these estimates are confirmed, it would be the greatest electoral success in regional elections, since the introduction of the Tatarella law in 1995. In summary, at the conclusion of the surveys published in these pages in recent days, the following scenario arises: in three of the six regions (Veneto, Liguria and Marche) there is a net advantage for the center-right, in Campania the center-left predominates to a large extent, while in two regions the games are open. It is Tuscany that has a slight advantage for the center-left and Puglia where the center-right predominates slightly. We just have to wait.

September 3, 2020 (change September 3, 2020 | 22:37)

