Ribbon cutting for the first Decathlon in Cagliari. Inside the Santa Gilla shopping center opens the sportswear giant, desired for many years especially by many Cagliari. And, so as not to risk having to wait hours, there are those who queue from seven in the morning (two hours before opening). There are families, but also 50 years and young people. All with the mask and in line to visit the 3600 square meters open overlooking the lagoon. Someone snorts, another patiently waits for the moment when the temperature will be measured: entry prohibited, of course, for those with 37.5. There are those who have come from the capital, but also those who have driven from Uta and Selargius. “We were tired of having to go to Sassari to shop,” says Giuseppe, 40, who came from the Elmas area. “Sono tra cgi has always supported and requested the opening of a Decathlon point in Cagliari”.
And, in the new store, Covid’s controls are very tight: masks for everyone and temperature measurement. In addition, of course, to the turns to enter.