Coronavirus and school in Campania: the long list of “this is missing”, high tension with the ministry


It thundered so much that it rained. And the thunder of the Campania Region had started to make a lot of noise a week ago, that is, since President Vincenzo De Luca, impatient for the continuous nothing of the Ministry of Education about many commitments for the reopening of September 14, had declared “in the current conditions it is not possible to open.” Words that were clearly one or the other: “In a week or two we will be called to make important decisions.” With time almost over, last night there was the School Summit a Palazzo Santa Lucia, from which arose the unanimous need to postpone the start date of the school year (the date that always looms is September 24) based on the indications expressed by all the participants at the table, to protect families, of students and of the school’s own staff. However, the Region reserved the right to make it official next week.

READ ALSO School, Campania opens on September 24: the board will make the decision official next week

The meeting called by Governor De Luca attended, obviously with distances and masks, because the issue was too urgent and you had to look into each other’s eyes. All were present, from the Councilor for Education Lucia Fortini Anci Campania arrived in double strength with the president Carlo Marino and Stefano Pisani, its delegate to the Regional Control Room, the Crisis Unit for the Covid-19 emergency in full as well as civil protection, the unions including the regional secretary Cisl Salvatore mole and the secretary general CGIL Campania, Nicola Ricci. The only absent “for work reasons” was Louise Franzese, general director of the regional school office, replaced by the competent director in school systems, Domenica Addeo. A heavy and poorly digested absence by many of those present who found it unpleasant not to appear at such an important meeting called by the president of the Campania Region. In fact, all the problems related to the beginning of the new school year have been listed in the table and a lot of fundamental data is still in the possession only of the manager Franzese, who has not revealed them even through his replacement on request, yet another by De Luca. It started at 7.30 pm and ended an hour and a half later, the meeting focused on checking the school situation in the teachers, classrooms, desks, security equipment, continuous review of school personnel, transportation. There were too many uncertainties and hence the president’s proposal to postpone the reopening, which found everyone unanimous and in agreement.

In two days, De Luca demands the data requested from the USSR to better organize the restart and set the date that will be discussed in the regional council on Tuesday. But in the meantime, he made some proposals on some of the key points of the school that he found everyone agreed to. Like the transport node that De Luca would like to dissolve by asking if the funds allocated by the Ministry can be used to rent the private buses that are normally used for the students’ regular school tourist trips. As for the workforce, it emerged that the legal will be the same as last year (about 78 thousand by law and 13 thousand by maintenance): insufficient. From the support rankings, a problem arose for the provisional assignments that would leave out a thousand teachers forced to work outside the Region, with the problems of the emergency, although it is known that the assignments by class are underestimated. Deliveries of the first individual desks began yesterday at a school in Caserta, while today they will arrive at the Guido Carli technical institute in Casal di Principe. Regarding thermal scanners: a platform will open on Monday from which executives will be able to request vouchers to speed up deliveries.

So far, 23.8% of the school personnel of the approximately 160 thousand have taken the tests: of the 600 positive for the rapid test, only one is confirmed positive, while another 180 await confirmation, the rest are negative. The governor is convinced that the obligation is necessary, which however can only be resolved after the deadline of September 10, also so as not to “overload health facilities.” Then De Luca expressed his responsibility to establish precise references on health aspects. and he wants to set up a kind of working group to deal with the schools, through the health districts. Regarding the search for alternative spaces, Anci reported that the works to expand the schools have recently begun, since ministerial funds have recently arrived and the postponement of the opening would be essential for the 23 thousand students without classrooms in Campania.

Last updated: 09:01 © REPRODUCTION RESERVED
