
Who is the author of the Lord of the Rings? This is probably the most discussed question of the medicine test who yesterday at 12 noon brought 66,638 white coat hopefuls back to the classroom. Ready to answer 60 questions in 100 minutes, to win one of the 13,072 places available in all Italian faculties. Therefore, only around one candidate in 5 will enter, but it is still a higher probability than in previous years given that the available places have increased by 1500 units compared to 2019. However, there have been protests, outside the examination centers , against the closed number and there will also be calls for avalanches this year among those who are left out.
La Sapienza University of Rome restarts but only one of the three university bars opens
However, it was a special day for the candidates, not only because they had the feeling that they were fighting for their future university career, but because after 6 months of closure they were back in a classroom. And then yesterday, between those desks, the excitement was great: with the boys struggling with the distancing between the stations, the ban on gathering that didn’t allow the boys to speak quietly, not even while waiting, the checks on the masks and self-certifications of good health.
Among the 60 questions, as expected, 18 were for biology, 12 for chemistry, 8 for physics and mathematics, 12 for general culture, and 10 for logic. Among the questions, topics such as spring, the isosceles triangle, the equilibrium reaction and photosynthesis were highlighted. However, questions of logic, such as the time zone, made it more difficult for students: if it is 7pm in London on September 5, in which city will it already be September 6? “Or the questions of general culture that varied from the chronological order of the presidents of the Republic from Cossiga to Mattarella, to the writings of Freud or the author of” The Lord of the Rings. ” One of those questions that, as happened a few years ago with the now famous scratcher question, will go down in history.
Meanwhile, there are already those who are preparing to appeal alleged anomalies that will be verified in the coming days: “The situation will be clearer in the coming weeks,” says Massimo Tortorella, president of Consulces, but we have collected reports from Milan and various universities opening test envelopes before 12 with suspicious draws; questions similar to the vet test the day before; devices found in examinees’ backpacks. And then we also find out about people testing positive for Covid-19 or quarantined excluded of the test, who have not been offered an alternative date ”.
The problem of quarantined children has emerged on a massive scale also following the increase in infections among young people returning from vacation. They will have to take the exam on another date. Student associations spoke out against this uncertainty and, more generally, against the criteria of the limited number of tests for university admission: the Unione degli Universitari and the Network of Middle Students were in fact at the Sapienza University of Rome .
“It is unacceptable, denounced Camilla Guarino from Link Coordinamento Universitario – that this selection be made to be a doctor, when our National Health Service is still in serious emergency due to lack of personnel with the pandemic still ongoing.” The individual scores obtained by the candidates will be published on September 17 in the reserved area of the website dedicated to students, the national merit ranking will be announced on September 29.
Last update: 10:18