
Pietro Senaldi
If Conte’s fall is hot, Zingaretti’s will be on the spit. The non-party prime minister, at least for the moment, has cooked up the leaders of the two main forces that support him. Di Maio had to relinquish command, the Democratic Party secretary runs the risk of having to do so soon, having more enemies among Democrats than opposition. The non-trinariciuta component of the Democrats is organizing to crucify the Lazio president and the start date of the ordeal is set for September 21. On that day, in fact, Zingaretti risks having to justify a defeat before him and the voters in the Regionals, with Salvini and Meloni ready to claim victory, and having to congratulate Di Maio on having triumphed in the referendum that cuts to the parliamentarians, on which the Pd. in fact it has been divided.

One of the great directors of the operation that should lead to welcoming Montalbano’s brother is the mayor of Bergamo, Gori, a former Renziano di ferro, who is pushing to send the president of Emilia-Romagna, Bonaccini, to the front. It is becoming increasingly difficult to hide that he cannot wait for the coup to happen. Everyone is ready with the bottle of champagne to celebrate and there are already those who spread the rumor that Zingaretti’s torpedo could even lead, for once, to a meeting rather than a split in the Democratic Party, with Renzi and his people from Italy. Live ready to return. Franceschini is a member of the conspiracy by right, given his background in plotting, just like Orlando. But there are also several unsuspected, former bigwigs that the current secretariat has relegated to the second row.
Democrats attribute the responsibility to the president of the Lazio Region not to mark a political line in the movement, to be carried away by the current agenda and fashion. The usual sinister ones: they appoint a boss because he is weak, and then they fire him, reproaching him for being so; when instead he finds a strong leader, they drive him away with the excuse that he is authoritarian and does his thing. Of course, Zingaretti has huge political flaws. The first to have been fooled by Renzi last year. Nicola wanted to vote and instead found himself supporting a government that was not his own with parliamentarians who did not respond to him and all the great names of the party who stepped back from the executive; So much so that due to (in) competition today it is difficult to distinguish a Piddino minister from a Grillino one. After all, the secretary Nicola does the same job as his brother, Luca: he is an actor, he plays a script by putting his face on it, because his soul is not found, only his brain.
And yet the main reasons the Democratic Party would do well to ditch its boss, and perhaps replace him with Mayor Gori or President Bonaccini, have nothing to do with political tactics but with the ability to govern. Among all the dem administrators, Zingaretti is the one who came out the worst from Covid, and not only because he was the first to take it, after a sudden trip to Milan to have an anti-racist snack, also infecting his fellow governors and party colleagues. If the Lazio president has not taken drugs from his management of the pandemic, it is only because, being the leader of the Democratic Party, he enjoys excellent press. We remember him running to Spallanzani in February to celebrate the isolation of the virus by precarious researchers the Region had never hired. It seemed that the discovery was his and the risk of contagion had been avoided forever. Maybe he really believed in that, and that’s why he went to Lombardy to attend the cocktails at Covid en Sala. But since the disease is not a fault, even if every effort has been made to contract it, it is better to focus on Zingaretti’s work than on his medical records.
In Lombardy they crucified Fontana, in March because he put on the mask first in favor of the camera and in summer because it was discovered that he had given the region some coats, making a contract from his brother-in-law’s company free. Well, for Easter, Lazio ordered a million protective suits and 850,000 gowns, with an advance of 2.8 million euros. However, only 150 thousand unusable arrived because they were frozen by the prosecutor investigating the deal. A story that seems to be the second act of that linked to the order of 7.5 million masks never came despite the advance of 11 million euros by the Region.
Since everyone knows he did it big, Zingaretti defends himself by shooting even more, that is, attacking extensively. He falls ill but accuses Salvini and Meloni of being infectious, ignoring that in order to transmit the virus, they must first be infected, in which he triumphed and not the sovereignists. The Romans go to the Emerald Coast to leave and he accuses Sardinia of having infected them, although on the island, before the mass landing of Nicola’s subjects, the virus was a rarity. Now she reproaches Governor Solinas for not having cleaned those who boarded from Olbia to Civitavecchia, omitting that even she did not test those who went to sea by the reverse route last month. The latest nonsense was to say that if sovereigns ruled, there would be mass graves on the beach in Italy. It is a hypothesis. The fact is that the country is governed by the enlightened Giallorossi and the mortality rate per million inhabitants is higher than that of Hungary, the United States and Brazil, lands where the so-called right-wing deniers reign.