
Most hang up, lose pieces, but help arrives – silent, but fundamental – from the opposition, which is absent just long enough not to rush the legislature. It happened yesterday morning in the final vote in the House on the Covid decree and could be repeated today in the Senate where the dl Simplifications arrive. It ends from 219 to 126 for the majority that would have dropped if the opposition deputies had been in the seats.
Yesterday’s is the best photograph that explains why, despite the desertions, the fights in the M5S and the whirlwind of slander in the PD, we will arrive in 2023. And this is, after all, one of the certainties that helps Giuseppe Conte to sleep with some peace of mind. . The other is the support that the current executive receives from the Quirinal. It is no secret to anyone that Sergio Mattarella considers the current majority as the last point of fall of a legislature that cannot produce others. It continues, therefore, but with the two main parties of the majority in full internal work and much weaker than the tenant of Palazzo Chigi who in fact for weeks has kept well away from the tirades between and in the parties that support him. . The confusion that reigns in the M5S is now spilling from every pore.
After the frond of the fifty who in the House had wanted to vote against Conte and sink with an amendment the extension of the leaders of the Intelligence Services, yesterday about thirty elected pentastellati announced that they are willing to leave if with a new bombardment – the last one on alliances: the question of who will lead the Movement that, after the resignation of Luigi Di Maio, is entrusted to Vito Crimi, will be posed on Rousseau’s platform. A new and unique leadership or leader? The dispute is not new, it has been dividing the Movement for weeks where the intolerance towards Casaleggio and the platform is now growing.
A few weeks before the referendum on the reduction of parliamentarians and the States General in which the issue of single or multiple leadership must be resolved, the tones are intensifying and those who point to the leadership try to block the way for a return of Di Maio. They raise the tone, they threaten a mass exodus from the mixed group, but no one denies their support for the government, and therefore, the legislature.
Casaleggio’s associates, who own and manage the platform, are quick to deny any hypotheses of short-term recourse to the platform, but tempers remain hot anyway and the Senate spills over the simplification decree that a group of grillini refuses to vote due to adopted League amendment to text. Protests, suspension of classroom procedures, meeting of the pentastellato group that partly attacks the Minister of Relations with the Parliament of D’Incà who in the end, also thanks to the help of the leader of the Perilli group, puts the group back in line the 5S senators in time for a new front to open: that of electoral law.
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This time it is Giuseppe Brescia, leader of the Grillino group in the Constitutional Affairs Commission, who sparked controversy by relaunching the preferential vote. Pressured in a debate on Sky by Riccardo Magi (+ Europa), Brescia defended the constitutional reform saying also that “in the discussion on the electoral law the Movement will ask to return to the preferences”. A change of pace that confuses the Democrats who have tried to get to the vote – at least in the Commission – on a basic text before formalizing the Yes to the cut of the parliamentarians. “It is useless to discuss issues like this first, when we still have to vote on the basic text,” explains Stefano Ceccanti (Pd), according to which the reform package has started to make the cutback drinkable and “the vote that will take place on Tuesday, in the Senate on the vote of eighteen years »also for Palazzo Madama.
The truth is that the Democratic Party – dealing with uphill regional elections – is cold before the return of preferences that in fact runs the risk of reopening the agreement on the electoral law that they gave precisely to justify the Yes to the referendum. “The basic text is already waste paper”, urges the blue Maria Stella Gelmini. Even the Northern League player Giancarlo Giorgetti expresses doubts and “terror” over the constitutional reform because, he says, “behind the referendum is the proportional reform” “with the parties that make and break governments, many times betraying the mandate.”