Reggio Calabria, responses to the StrettoWeb survey on security highlight the growing fear of citizens for public order
After the Coronavirus emergency lockdown, we should all have been better. Instead, numerous fights influenced the summer in the nightlife, in the city and in its interior. And so people no longer feel safe walking through what was the city of security par excellence. The figure arises from the Political Factory survey to StrettoWeb, released today for municipal elections of Reggio Calabria: he 76% of citizens do not feel comfortable at all, faced with 24% which is said to be absolutely serene.
It is especially women who do not feel calm woman, where the percentage rises to 79%, he Old people that are no longer safe in83% of the cases among the interviewees.
Among party voters, those who vote perceive the issue of insecurity above all 5 star movement: all’85% they are not sure of the city. The safest, however, are the voters of Brothers from Italy (36%), of the P.S (31%) and of Go Italy (30%).
Municipal elections of Reggio Calabria, the official StrettoWeb poll: Falcomatà is at 30%, Marcianò and Klaus Davi compete for the elections [DATI]
Reggio Calabria, the survey on the emergency of waste: 73% of citizens want the containers and 83% want to differentiate themselves [DATI]
Ponte sull’Stetto, the StrettoWeb poll: 62% of Reggio Calabria citizens are in favor [DATI]
Reggio Calabria, the priorities most felt by citizens for the next administration: waste emergency, works and roads on the podium. Survey DATA
Coronavirus, The Pandemic Management Survey: Governor Santelli More Appreciated Than Prime Minister Conte [DATI]