Internal Evaluation Unit, function decree and appointment for free download


The Core of Internal Evaluation plays an irreplaceable role in the school. The DPR n. 80/2013 which contains the ” Regulation on the national evaluation system in education and training ” in article 6 establishes that “the evaluation procedure of educational institutions is developed, in order to improve the role of schools in the self-evaluation process, based on the evaluation protocols and the established deadlines “

It specifies that “as of 2013: a) self-evaluation of educational institutions: 1) analysis and verification of their service from the data made available by the information system of the Ministry, the surveys on learning and the elaborations on the value aggregate returned by Invalsi, as well as other significant elements made up by the same school; 2) preparation of a self-evaluation report in electronic format, in accordance with a reference framework prepared by Invalsi, and formulation of an improvement plan; b) external evaluation: 1) identification by Invalsi of the situations to be submitted for verification, based on efficiency and effectiveness indicators previously defined by Invalsi itself; 2) visits to the groups mentioned in paragraph 2, in accordance with the program and evaluation protocols adopted by the conference in accordance with article 2, paragraph 5; 3) redefinition by schools of the p improvement lanes based on the results of the analysis carried out by the nuclei; c) improvement actions: 1) definition and implementation by schools of improvement interventions also with the support of Indire or through collaboration with universities, research organizations, professional and cultural associations ”.

NIV functions

Relevant functions are attributed to the NIV in relation to the self-evaluation processes of the School Institution, the preparation of the RAV, the planning of school improvement actions.

In this sense, the Internal Evaluation Team deals, among other things, with:

implementation and / or coordination of the actions provided for by the PDM and continuous monitoring to activate the necessary preventive and / or corrective actions;

the Institute’s self-evaluation;

of the drafting and / or updating of the RAV.

The Evaluation Nuclei have worked, within each educational center, in the preparation of the Self-evaluation Report, the tool that constitutes the basis for identifying the development priorities towards which to direct the improvement plan, which is configured as a path aimed at ” Identification of a strategic line, of a planning process that the schools implement based on the priorities and goals identified in section 5 of the RAV.


The Internal Evaluation Nucleus (VNI) established in accordance with the law has a composition that varies from one institution to another, contemplating all possible and numerically possible composition types.

Members of the teaching component are appointed taking into account their experience and skills in the field of assessment.


According to the law, the NIV is tasked with helping to facilitate the development of the Improvement Plan (PdM).

To carry out its functions, the NIV makes use of:

1. From the RAV Institute;

2. The data present in the “Scuola in clear” that allow a comparison at the provincial level with respect to the context, resources, processes and results of the school;

3. Of adequate own indicators, in order to monitor and evaluate the specific aspects of the institute’s project.

In particular, the NIV adopts an internal evaluation system that refers to:

a) To the opinion expressed by the component of parents, students (we expect even the smallest, more capable than we imagine to make judgments), teachers and ATA, through the administration of perception questionnaires about the degree of school well-being detected and the quality of the school and organizational climate;

b) The results obtained by the students through standardized tests, common tests adopted by the Departments in the different areas of learning, the results of the state tests, the results of the secondary school or other methods of verification of the acquired competences;

c) The observable results in the implementation of specific projects, with special attention to priority initiatives and interventions of greater weight than the Institute’s budget.

Operating mode

At the beginning of each school year, the NIV:

a) It is summoned in the first session by the Manager to take possession

b) Defines the calendar and work methods for the current school year;

c) During the school year, it provides for the systematic collection of useful data for the analysis of processes and results, with special reference to the didactic-educational area;

d) At the end of each school year, it provides for the delivery of data for the preparation and definition of the RAV.

Committee chair

The presidency of the NIV is in charge of the Director.

The president may, for reasons of urgency, summon the NIV.

The presence of the majority of the members is not required for the validity of the meeting.
