Covid: Asymptomatic Positive Swabs Don’t Work, Even From Home


There are a few thousand. But they could become many more. We are talking about the so-called asymptomatic, the Italians who have found a way to live with Covid without health problems. As soon as the positive result is obtained, the quarantine is activated to prevent the spread of the infection. Quarantine with your hands. For the positives in Covid 19, in fact, it is prohibited to work. Always. Even from home. Even for those who have no symptoms.

The issue is governed by the Cura Italia and Relaunch decrees, later converted into laws, in addition to the INPS 2584 message of June 24 and the dpcm of August 7, 2020. Companies with asymptomatic employees available to work from home have approached us for clarification, but our answer, given current legislation, can only be “no, it can’t be done,” says Cesare Pozzoli, partner at the law firm. Milanese Chiello-Pozzoli. . Assolombarda gave the same response to the companies that asked for clarification. Among other things – continues the lawyer Pozzoli – the August decree established that people who return from vacation in risk areas must remain isolated while waiting for a tampon. Well, even this isolation equated with illness implies, therefore, a prohibition to work.

If at the beginning of the pandemic swabs were administered only to those with symptoms, today they are increasingly used to stop outbreaks in a preventive way.Consequently, the proportion of asymptomatic patients increases. According to the Higher Institute of Health, in the last 30 days there have been 21,724 cases of which around 75% (16,300) involve people of working age. Of these, more than 65% were asymptomatic, so we are talking about more than 10 thousand people potentially affected by the problem. That could become many more in case of going from 100 to 300 thousand swabs per day as proposed by Professor Andrea Crisanti. In addition to the damage caused to the company by the absence of the worker, theimpact on INPS funds Pozzoli points out. Perhaps the possibility that asymptomatic people work in smart working can be evaluated when there is the consent of the worker. The government just sent out calls to address the issue of smart work with unions and companies. This could also be on the agenda.
