Coronavirus, Berlusconi hospitalized at San Raffaele in Milan for investigations


Silvio Berlusconi was hospitalized in Milan at San Raffaele for investigations after he tested positive for covid. The leader of Forza Italia had revealed on Wednesday that he had tested positive for Coronavirus and like him to his children Luigi and Barbara. Yesterday he let it be known that he no longer had symptoms. Marta Fascina, Berlusconi’s girlfriend, also tested positive.



Berlusconi positive for covid, the infection may have started with his daughter Barbara in Capri

“President Berlusconi – reads a note from the staff -, after the appearance of some symptoms, he was hospitalized in the San Raffale hospital in Milan as a precaution. The clinical picture does not cause concern”. Senator Licia Ronzulli, speaking with Agorà on Raitre, informed him that the internment took place last night: “Berlusconi spent the night in the hospital. After a morning that started a little badly, now he’s fine, he spent the night well. A small preventive hospitalization was needed to monitor the progress of Covid-19. “

It is not clear where the infection may have occurred, even if the prevailing hypothesis is that it occurred on Capri during a meeting with the children.



Silvio Berlusconi positive for Covid. The nightmare began in August, then the escape to Milan and the tampons.
