Senigallia 09/03/2020 – A nationally renowned staff to respond to all patient needs.
Pediatric, the Children’s Clinic is a healthcare reality that has been active since May 2020, it deals mainly with patients from 0 to 18 years old with a staff of specialists in the different branches of medicine with pediatric experience contrasted from all over Italy.
In addition to multispecialized medicine, it offers an outpatient surgery service also in conscious sedation and dentistry; operates in the city of Senigallia, easily accessible from the highway exit.
Pediatrics, faced with numerous requests, mainly from parents of young patients, has activated a new section dedicated to adult patients.
Many useful services for families to meet all their needs.
Since September 2020 the team dedicated to Cardiology directed by Dott.ssa Monica Naldi cardiologist Maria Cecilia de Cotignola Hospital in collaboration with Dr. Fausto Castriota, hemodynamic interventional cardiologist and by the cardiac surgeon Dr. Mauro Del Giglio expert in minimally invasive heart surgery.
Pediatrics already offers active service for adults in the following medical specialties:
odontology Dr. Manuela Servadei
Maxillofacial Surgery Dr. Elisabetta Sarti – Dr. Vittorio Dallera
Orthopedics and Traumatology Dr. Alessandro Orazi
Orthopedics of the spine Dr. Francesco Lolli
Ophthalmology Dr. Paola Battistini
Obstetrics and Gynecology Dr. Lucia Pizzichini
Otorhinolaryngology Dr. Giampiero D’Addazio
Ultrasound Dr. Marco Guzzonato – Dr. Andrea Quagliarini – Dr. Filippo Venturi
Sports medicine Dr. Mario Pasquali
Dermatology Prof. Fabio Arcangeli
Nutrition Dr. Anna Piantanelli
Hematology Team consulting
Anesthesia and resuscitation Dr. Mauro Antognini – Director of Health
Laser therapy Dr. Roberto Mazzanti
For more information or reservations:
Pediatric Children’s Clinic
Viale G. Bruno 18/6
60019 Senigallia AN
Toll free 800 024 624
Full board @clinicapediatricaenigallia