ready to support Stefano Bonaccini, the “political assassin” of Nicola Zingaretti – Libero Quotidiano


Faithful to Pierluigi Bersani, Enrico Letta, an iron Renziano, then an ultra-Orthodox gypsy rite and always his first patron. Transformer by definition, the former tell us Dario Franceschini, today and since time immemorial piddino, catholic area. And very prepared for the last transformation. In the latest twist on behalf of an armchair that you never, ever, ever want to lose or lose. Too good at sniffing the horse for gambling, jumping on the chariot of the future. And this car would be the one pulled by the powerful Stefano bonaccini, a rising democratic star (born indeed for quite some time), the governor of Emilia Romagna who has managed to keep the quintessential red stronghold standing in the last regional, won against the League Lucia Borgonzoni.

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In short, Franceschini sponsor of Bonaccini. He assures it The newspaper in a fund, where he explains that in the event of a failure – probable – to the next regional, the Minister of Culture would have already chosen the governor of Emilia Romagna as successor to Nicola Zingaretti, from which it is progressively released. Franceschini, thermometer and great maneuver of the Nazarene, is ready to deploy his troops in favor of Bonaccini, Zinga political assassin papabile. Together with Franceschini, the component that unites the ancient Renzians Graziano Delrio me Luca lotti, who are working hard to pave the way for the next congress in Bonaccini (in view, who knows, of Matteo Renzi’s return to the democratic fold). Then Beppe Sala, Giorgio gori, those who were once the Young Turks and are now old flooded political foxes. In short, everything is ready. Zinga will be dethroned. If Franceschini has a hand, the change can already be considered, with enough approximation, as something done.

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