
A 32-year-old boy with mental problems receives money and is given watches, then runs away but the Carabinieri arrested him after a chase: in the morning he threatened two other women
CHIARAVALLE, September 3, 2020 – They lived moments of terror this morning around 11 inside the jewelry Art & Gold in Corso Matteotti.
A 32 year old from Chiaravallese, MC, with serious psychological problems walked into the store and threatened the owner Federico Raffaeli and his wife Ottavia.

“I am the hood of the mafia – the man’s words, addressed to the owner of the jewel – e You have to give me everything you have in your pocket».

The man argues animatedly with the jeweler.
Raphael knowing well the 32-year-old didn’t give too much weight to thing mother then the situation degenerated why MC drew a knife and placed it on one of the jewelry tables..
The wife the owner is a lot scared in sight of the weapon while the man continued ranting and threatening Raphael ordering him to put his hands in his pockets to give him what he wanted.
The merchant took 100 euros out of his pocket and gave it to him so MC is published from the store and pointed to the clocks in the window.
A woman who was witnessing the scene He immediately called the Carabinieri. The 32 year old is Return in jewels and, always showing the knife, had a dozen watches delivered, not among the most valuable, who has put in an envelope.
Federico Raffaeli, knowing him and having seen that the young man was not lucid and certainly not in normal psychological conditions, he tried to calm him down and take it to the Cake shop located next to the jewels, where the man kept shouting nonsense. At that juncture The Carabinieri arrived, armed and protected with bulletproof vests, and the man tried to escape with the envelope containing the watches and the 100 euros stolen from the merchant.
The escape, however, did not last long because the military intercepted him near the bar. Piccadilly and they immobilized him, stopping it me taking him to the barracks.
«We were very afraid – say Federico and Ottavia Raffaeli – but we are close to the child’s family and hope that he will finally receive the appropriate care. The stolen items and money have been returned to us. and we thank the Carabinieri de Chiaravalle for being promptly intervened».
During the morning,the man had already threatened two women with a knife in Chiaravalle and it was made to deliver of them from money. the victims they had warned and militari of what happened before Blitz in jewelry. Man was arrested And it is hospitalized, where have you been sedated with four injections of sedatives.
Gianluca fenucci