MILAN – Milan the city designated by the Government to host the headquarters of European Patent Court.
The final decision came to the conclusion of the Council of Ministers on Thursday evening.
the National Center for Artificial Intelligence.
Milan, on the other hand, will play with Paris (which already houses the Tub headquarters), Munich (which houses a section) and a city in Spain.
The acceleration came after weeks and weeks of silence from the government and polemics from the opposition. It was on the one hand that made the difference the axis that was created between the Mayor of Milan, Beppe Sala and the Vice Minister of Five Stars, Stefano Buffagni who worked on the candidacy file, on the other hand the critical force of all the Milanese institutions – the Municipality, the Attilio Fontana Region, together with Assolombarda, the Chamber of Commerce and the innovation chain represented by Alisei – who joined forces government.
A kind of model of Milan was also extended to represent the five stars.
It is not an easy choice sinceanother city ready to apply was Turin ruled by Chiara Appendino.
To tip the balance were the figures that certify the primacy of the territory of Lombardy and Milan in terms of research innovation, an indispensable premise of any patent application.
In the decade 2008-2018, Milan filed 6,543 European patent applications, that is, 17.2 percent of the national total. Milan in 2018 was the first province in the country in patent applications, followed, but well behind, by Turin (303), Bologna (300), Vicenza (194) and Rome (180). Data from the European Patent Office for 2019 and referring to the national level register 4,456 applications, of which 940 (equivalent to 21 percent come from Milan) and 1,493 from Lombardy (34 percent). These are the numbers that Prime Minister Conte illustrated yesterday in a video chat in Sala and Appendino before reporting to the Council of Ministers.
September 3, 2020 (change September 3, 2020 | 22:39)