For those who are members of the Espero Fund, is it possible to retire with an annuity through RITA?
Registered in the Espero Fund since 2006, I would like to know how retirement works through the “Rita” methods.
The RITA pension was introduced by the 2018 Budget Law. It is a pension completely outside the compulsory social security and that allows anticipating the retirement pension in 5 or 10 years by resorting to the supplementary pension.
The supplemental pension comes from funds contributed to supplemental pension funds, such as the Espero Fund for school employees.
Ultimately, the annuity that accompanies the old-age pension is extracted from the capital accumulated for the supplementary pension, pending the maturity of the requirements to access the old-age pension.
Retirement with RITA, requirements
To access the pension with the anticipated annuity, it is necessary to have accumulated at least 20 years of contributions that, then, at 67 years of age, will give the right to access the old-age pension.
In addition, it is necessary to have paid at least 5 years of contributions to the supplementary pension fund. Obviously, to be able to benefit from the pension with the annuity, the future supplementary pension must be waived, totally or partially.
The personal data requirement that is currently required is 62 years for those still in service (but requires cessation of work) or 57 years for those who have been unemployed for at least 24 months.
As you have been enrolled in the Espero Fund for 14 years, if you have 20 years of contributions and are 62 years old, surely you can access the RITA pension. In any case, I advise you, before making any decision, that you contact the Fund in question to find out what the monthly amount owed is, which depends on the paid-up capital.
In any case, I remind all our readers that the RITA pension application should not be sent to the INPS but to the supplementary pension fund to which they are registered using the corresponding forms provided by the company that manages the fund.
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